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Post a bookmark. Any bookmark.

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 15 years ago Views: 12.0K
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there's some nice ink work here
#3860089 - airplane simulators, pc based
Lvl 37
I used to work here. Good source for the latest on Health Issues.
Lvl 59

A data intensive search engine. Great for curiosities and statistics and other hard to come by information.
Lvl 59 - A site with funny/interesting/disturbing links, etc. Kinda hard to pigeonhole into one accurate description, honestly.
Lvl 59

Lots of educational videos, lectures, and presentations. You could learn a thing or two.
Lvl 26

Great place for High Res Wallpapers

Eric, you have broken your own rule !

2. No double posting, so you have to wait until someone else posts a bookmark of their own before posting another one.
Lvl 59
Addendum to rule 2: If nobody has posted in a few days or so, feel free to drop another one.

And since you posted, I can post another one.

A forum. But without the boobs. You can talk and stuff there.
Lvl 59

It's a site that allows you to get your private information off of google.
Lvl 37
Google has launched a new way to view the news on its site: fast flip. It presents you with screen shots from news sites.

So, you don't just see headlines and blurbs. You'll get a quick glimpse of the site. Beneath it, you'll see the headline.

Click on a screen shot to get a closer look. Then, use the arrows at either side to flip through different stories.

Want to read an entire story? Simply click on the screen shot when you're in flip view. You'll be taken to the site. It makes online news much more enjoyable!
Lvl 28
if you like old drag racing pics...
Lvl 29

amateur uploaded strip teases from around the world
Lvl 12 One of the oldest web sites in continuous operation. For US users. Pick your time zone and it gives the time via the Navy's atomic clock. About as accurate as science can get it. Also shows, on a global scale, whats in daylight, whats in darkness.
Lvl 22
Amateur porn vid's for free >
Lvl 59
Sometimes I bookmark articles that I've read for either future reference, or because they seem important, or some other random criterion. Here's one of those.
Lvl 59 - you can make postable hand histories with that. If you're into that sort of thing.
Lvl 59 - eBooks. For free.
Lvl 4
Originally posted by ThreadKiller

Virtually Date Ariane

Dating Simulator

Hint: treat her like a real girl and you might get lucky

[ Link ]

interesting. very interesting
Lvl 4
hmmm no one posted

kinda hard to explain. site with funny gifs/pics with music or sound to go along with it. here's some examples
Lvl 13

It's a comptetions website. In some ways it's a shit way to spend your free time, but i have won lots of things in the years i've done it on and off.
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