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Place your votes-Honda VS Sugarpie

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 14 years ago Views: 2.0K
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Lvl 37
I voted for the Katy Perry Christmas avatar!
Lvl 28
Ohh, I'm doing slightly better than I had assumed.

Keep up the votes brahs..

...and remember, bros before hoes.
Originally posted by Honda_X

Ohh, I'm doing slightly better than I had assumed.

Keep up the votes brahs..

...and remember, bros before hoes.

Even here at WBW? I dunno, I just think that's kind of upside down.
The bros before hoes part, I mean
Hoes???? I'm I gonna have to send you a warning PM about derogatory words?? Cuz I rock that PM better than anyone else, and I'm not afraid to use it.
I didn't mean...Honda said it first! My apologies, SP. (I don't even say that word publicly)
I don't really mean it, and it was directed at Honda. I actually have a sense of humor.
...I'll have to get used to you, SP. I get kinda freaked when authorities have a problem with anything I do. Anyway... you really rock those warning PM's?
Lvl 27
Her bark is Bigger than her Bite--She's a Nice person!

Wait, what am I saying
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Originally posted by 911Porsche

Her bark is Bigger than her Bite--She's a Nice person!

Shhhhhhh....I have a reputation to keep here!
So you don't believe that she can bite the hell out of you?
Lvl 28
By "hoe" I meant "notech"
Lvl 22
Oh, I get it, show a little ass and I'm a hoe! OK,

Lvl 6

Lvl 28
honda all the way...
Lvl 21
does the fact that the boobies are shopped count???
Vote however you want, there were no rules other than it had to be Christmas themed, and had to feature Katy Perry...we didn't say anything about her boobies.
Oh, the possibilities...
Lvl 28
Originally posted by FATHERTIME

honda all the way...

An example of what a bro looks like.
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