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photoshoped pics on WhatBoysWant?

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 11 years ago Views: 4.0K
Lvl 27
I agree with you, I don't like photoshopped pics, and we, quite honestly don't want them in the gallery, but it's not always easy to pick them out when moderating, so if or when you come across one, please, do not hesitate to click the report button so they can be removed.
That's the way its always been hasn't it. No Pro in the uploads. Though its hard (to me) to tell anymore today since amateurs have better camera's and pro's are doing more "amateur" feeling photoshoots.
How do you know the above pic is photoshopped and not just pro or very well done amateur? I mean...with makeup, good lighting, a filter on the camera, and some other things, you can take very beautiful, very soft pictures like the one above. Think about it, photographers have been taking beautiful pictures of average looking women for many many years before photoshop existed...well before computers existed even.

I agree that the picture doesn't belong on WBW regardless because in my opinion the pic looks professionally done...photoshop or not.
I hear what you're saying, and I agree that professional pics don't have a place in the babe gallery of wbw, but I don't believe the average amateur poster is taking the time to photoshop all their pics...and if they are, then they aren't amateur anyway. I've posted pics in the past...some very candid, some from amateur photo shoots with friends. The candid pics are the type of pic that anyone could take, the photo shoot ones required 2-3 hours of makeup, hair, and wardrobe, and then took many additional hours to get a dozen good pictures. I'm not famous, I don't model for money, so I would consider myself an amateur, but because I have some nice pictures of myself, I can't post them here? I can't say that I agree with that.

As for the blur on the mirror frame, its hard to say with 100 percent certainty if its a bad photoshop job, or if its a area of pixalation caused by a few strands of fine hair...the more I zoom in on that area, the more I'm convinced its hair. I guess I'm just of the thought...why would someone go through the effort of changing such a minute detail like a small area of her boob profile, on an obviously already beautiful girl.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 59
Yeah, I guess my eyes suck or something, because it's not obvious to me that the above photo is shooped.

As a general rule we don't allow photoshopped pictures in the galleries, although we do in the famous babes forums and such, but as has been said, it's really hard to tell on a lot of the well done photos without the actual before and after shots to compare. There are some with glaringly obvious deformations, but generally it's not trivial to determine whether artifacts on the picture are left by photo manipulation or just by the nature of saving large pictures in lossy formats.
Lvl 70
Originally posted by BlondesLover
so I started to shut up on the fake boobs subject and probably soon on photoshop too when we wouldn't be able to tell the difference at all.

Fake boobs are allowed in the gallery but photoshopped pics aren't so don't shut up on these, just report them
I'm not 100% sure that the above pic is shopped but there are clearly some that are in the gallery (mainly bigger butts/boobs or face swap) and they are quite easy to spot. I guess some photoshop works would be harder to spot (like smoothing the skin for example) but we can't control everything.
Light/color changes and stuff like that are allowed though.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 24
While I've never reported a pic which appeared (to me) to have been "PhotoShopped...I usually include in my picture comments that it does look altered by image manipulation, or some such language (including the term, "photoshopped".. PhotoShop was the original - but I'm sure there are a multitude of software products now available that perform the same way.
As already stated above by others, it's one thing to suspect the image as posted isn't authentic -- it's quite another to state with certainty that it has been altered. Actually, I didn't know it was 'officially disallowed' at WBW. I think I've seen more that were suspicious in the last year or so than in previous times -- some of them literally jump right off the screen because the (apparent) work done on them can be fairly obvious. Please don't take that as a 'dig' at any of the moderators -- I think browsing members take more time to appreciate the pictures than the moderators can realistically manage due to the heavy load of pics waiting in queue - which is quite understandable.
'Going forward, if I'm pretty sure a pic reflects significant alteration after it was developed, i.e., "photoshopped", I'll go ahead an' report it, an' give the moderators the opportunity to make that call as they see fit...
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 20
Personally, it doesn't bother me if it's shopped. It's not like I'm trying to date these chicks anyway.

I'm here to see pretty women. If a touch-up makes that experience more pleasurable, then so be it.

Frankly, a lot of the pics we have on this site are absolute howlers. I wouldn't mind seeing many of them improved.
Originally posted by Tarquin
Personally, it doesn't bother me if it's shopped. It's not like I'm trying to date these chicks anyway.

I'm here to see pretty women. If a touch-up makes that experience more pleasurable, then so be it.

Frankly, a lot of the pics we have on this site are absolute howlers. I wouldn't mind seeing many of them improved.

Completely agree. The only ones I have problems with are pics like this:

Lvl 20
Yes, that's just stupid.
Lvl 70
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Completely agree. The only ones I have problems with are pics like this:


Yeah, she's obviously blonde