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Photoshop Tennis

Starter: King_Daddy Posted: 14 years ago Views: 8.7K
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Lvl 38
That is awesome Granddaddy...

Hope to get some time today to add to this.
Lvl 14
Will Smith rocks up and shouts "Welcome to Earth"

The aliens are sadistic in nature. They remember Will Smith from ID4 (Independence Day) and the damage he cause the central mothership. Seeking revenge they turn Will Smith into a helpless sheep.

Lvl 14
Arnie says "You are one ugly mother fucker" and starts to blow away the alien scum.

That's some bad ass shit right there. (beer)

Is anyone else going to get a crack at this?
Lvl 38
Things have gotten too loud and crowded at the WBW farm...

Optimus Prime says it is time to roll out for Vegas....

Let's throw some King Kong in there

Lvl 14

Shouldn't have killed off Will Smith back on the farm so hastily I think...

I smell another possible alien war?
Lvl 38
Independence Day Will Smith may have been taken out but MIB Will Smith is no here and he brought Tommy Lee Jones with him...

They are ready to kick some alien ass!!!
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Things are escalating. Arnold in the last one blew up an alien head but it looks like this time Predator got revenge!

Lvl 38
Nice addition GrandDaddy...

You people going to let the aliens get away with this shit???
Thank KD and lol (beer)
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