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Original pictures of wives, GF's, pick ups. Want to swap for what I've found as a computer tech. Absolutely private, no sharing.

Starter: ricric77980 Posted: 3 years ago Views: 7.5K
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Lvl 13
Have some of the ex and I- those good? I'll send to see what you have that match her- she was hot!
Lvl 8
Long arsed title for no pics..
dirtytink, [Deleted], dragon1175, exocet and 4 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by ntvtxn
Have some of the ex and I- those good? I'll send to see what you have that match her- she was hot!

Tried to send a link to google drive, and it didn't work. Is there a way to share pics privately?
Lvl 1
Pm me
* This post has been modified : 3 years ago
Lvl 1
Lvl 14
Pm me
* This post has been modified : 3 years ago
Lvl 17
FJB and this empty post
Lvl 19
ive got some from over years
Lvl 15
post them here.
Lvl 2
I’ve got lots to share
LittleBullnTX, brewskins, Schimi, [Deleted] and 15 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 3
Pm me would like to participate
Lvl 11
Mee to
Lvl 10
PM me. I've got tons from multiple wives and X's.
Lvl 10
My pm is open, welcome to my homepage and see pics and vids of my hottie skinny gf
Sinom, vinnybagofdonuts, san.pedrito find this awesome.
Lvl 12
PM me
Lvl 3
vegas365, wolfjz, Theresonice_1, [Deleted] and 6 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 8
How can you stipulate no sharing? Once you've sent the pics to another party you've lost all control of them and where does that leave the women in the pics? Plus, if you work in computer tech is it moral or ethical for you to be stealing pics and offering them to share?
Lvl 51
Originally posted by oldbutnice
How can you stipulate no sharing? Once you've sent the pics to another party you've lost all control of them and where does that leave the women in the pics? Plus, if you work in computer tech is it moral or ethical for you to be stealing pics and offering them to share?

Legality is also a question, in addition to the morality/ethics portion of it all.
Lvl 10
I have a many and many original pics and vids of my skinny gf
Lvl 34
I have loads of pictures of my wife taking massive facials and just generally spreading like a used slut
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