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One night stands/Fling relationships...healthy in moderation?

Starter: wavedave45 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 2.8K
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Lvl 59
Originally posted by Strichnine


That is right, I have never heard of anyones hand getting pregnant.

oh yeah?

Lvl 10
Fear keeps a lot of us from having more sex
Lvl 28
Lvl 59
Originally posted by WindyM

Fear keeps a lot of us from having more sex

You must conquer your fear.

G. Gordon Liddy tells a story about how, as a young child, he was afraid of rats. In order to conquer his fear of rats he caught one, killed it, cooked it and ate it.

That's how it's done.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by robodick

The 4 F's:
Find Em
Feel EM
Fuck EM
Forget Em

So ya did that with the dead chick then?

What if dead chick got pregnant? then she woulda given birth to some sort of weird zombie still-born living creature thing.

Kinda like Jeff, except it could get some.


Originally posted by EricLindros


You must conquer your fear.

G. Gordon Liddy tells a story about how, as a young child, he was afraid of rats. In order to conquer his fear of rats he caught one, killed it, cooked it and ate it.

That's how it's done.

So, ya gotta kill a girl?

Or do ya just kill the vagoo?
Originally posted by EricLindros


You must conquer your fear.

G. Gordon Liddy tells a story about how, as a young child, he was afraid of rats. In order to conquer his fear of rats he caught one, killed it, cooked it and ate it.

That's how it's done.

Liddy must have been on a diet as that is not much of a dinner. Lil rice, beans and salsa, now ya have a meal!
Lvl 8
it's completely individual.. like everything else...

flings... one-night stands... are cool from time to time... when your life turns into a one-night stand...
well.. then surface takes over from substance... and life becomes surface...
some people like to live like that...
well... most people...
Lvl 7
I have tried both ways of healing from bad relationships, work on yourself first dude! If you are not happy and healthy than fucking everything with legs is just going to make you feel even more empty inside!
Lvl 13
1: Go on vacation somewhere with your buddies.
2: Find an older woman "Mid 40's" in a bar with her girlfriends.
3: Strike up a conversation with her.
4: Screw her brains out for about 4 hours.
5: If your lucky she will look you up again before she leaves to back home and screw your brains out for about 4 hours.
6: The best part of all, wont ever see her again.
7: Dont be silly and wrap your willie!!!!!!!!
Lvl 25
Originally posted by EricLindros

G. Gordon Liddy tells a story about how, as a young child, he was afraid of rats. In order to conquer his fear of rats he caught one, killed it, cooked it and ate it.

That's how it's done.

So... catch the girl, kill her, cook her, and eat her? When does the sex thing happen then?
Lvl 14
Dont keep yourself in a shell because you think you need time to heal , all you'll do is sit there and think of her and feel bad on why shit happened. Get out and mingle with people , I dunno if you drink but going for beers with some buds is a great place to start. Expecting a one-night stand every time you head out will lead you to disappointment. Ive had a few and was always up and willing for it , but for me they seem to be far in between. On the other hand , Ive went out and met girls at random places , took them out had some good times and had plenty of sex with them. I was never lonely. Plus the benefit of getting to know them a little better and knowing they arent sick with an STD makes the sex that much better. Im no sexpert , but I guess I have more experience than you with 40+ women under my belt , literally..I am 27 now and have been in a relationship for 4 years now , there has been a few girls added to the list during breakups and such but I know what I have and its what I like...I personally dont buy a car without test driving it first!!! So get out there to a few dealerships , hop in one , drive it around for awhile and dont sign your name until you are completely satisfied with the driving experience.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Kanzen


So... catch the girl, kill her, cook her, and eat her? When does the sex thing happen then?

Who said anything about sex?
Lvl 25
Originally posted by EricLindros


Who said anything about sex?

No sex? You sick fuck.
Lvl 18
AIDS is a big issue.

Personally, sex is sorta sex. I've had great sex. I've had not so great. As a guy, I enjoyed both. But it always always better with someone I cared about....someone who knew what I liked and knew how to push the right buttons. I always found the first time with new people was generally a little awkward. Maybe that is just me.

If you wanna have a screwfest, have one. But honestly, it isn't going to make you feel better. Banging strangers isn't moving on.
Lvl 14
Famous line from the movie Casablanca, Rick, Bogie's character says, "I pass judgment on nobody".

Another thought, "When you're hungry, eat!"

My point is just live your life. If some cute things want to party, do it. As long as they are of age and you both want to, go for it.

Sometimes, some great relationships and or friendships can come out of what you both thought was just a quick romp in the hay.

So live your life and don't pass judgment.

When it's over, it's over.

Move on and live your life.
Lvl 18
If I read one more post that says "heal yourself first" or some other emotional Dr Phil bullshit I'm gonna lose all faith in the male gender.

We are men. To get over a girl just fuck a hotter one and you'll be so caught up in your own ego you won't even remember the first girl existed. Suck it up and act like the wild animal you were born to be. Women have enough emotions for both genders.

Anyone who says differently is a pussy. So says me.

* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 14
I gotta agree with Swiss. When you fall off your horse, get back on the son of a bitch.
Go out and get laid. And get on with it. Don't be a pussy. Swiss is right, you guys cut
out all the Dr. Phil shit. This guy needs to stand up to life.
Lvl 14
I agree with the Dr. Phil shit "Heal yourself first" ...For me , healing was going out and having a great time without the ball and chain on my back...Doesnt necessarily have to end in sex , but if it makes you forget about the ex , then youre "Healed!"...Of course during my healing a one night stand happened , then a girl who just loved to give BJ's happened , and then I met a really good girl who I actually spent a lot of time with and was someone that I couldve spent more time with happened...Plus she had a bangin body and was crazy about me , yes I did bang her too..Plenty of times...ahhhh..All this happened in a months time!! My ex found out how much fun I was having a wanted me back , and we have been happy ever regrets and I told her everything I did so I didnt have to hide anything...We all heal in different ways , some bang chicks , some climb clock towers and open fire...Just dont let someone else make you miserable when they could give a shit about how you feel!!!
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Swiss407

If I read one more post that says "heal yourself first" or some other emotional Dr Phil bullshit I'm gonna lose all faith in the male gender.

We are men. To get over a girl just fuck a hotter one and you'll be so caught up in your own ego you won't even remember the first girl existed. Suck it up and act like the wild animal you were born to be. Women have enough emotions for both genders.

Anyone who says differently is a pussy. So says me.


I agree with all the emotional bullshit, being all sappy and lame.

But still, AIDS.
Lvl 22
yeah...get out with people and enjoy yourself. but just be on guard against psychochicks. there's alot of them around.
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