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November Desktop's

Starter: thechosen29 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 921
Lvl 14

Do you have a PC or a Mac ?

  • PC, Give us hell Microsoft!

    72.22% (26)

  • Mac, We think, therefore we are.

    27.78% (10)

Votes: 36
Here we go for november!

Lvl 25
Where is the option for people that own both?
Lvl 14
Originally posted by Kanzen

Where is the option for people that own both?

Darn it! I knew I forgot something
Lvl 14
I can't really see why you would want to own a Mac. I've been a part of the computer industry and IT world for about 18 - 20 years now and I've never found myself wanting or needing a Mac. Sure it would be nice to own both if you can or be Mac Certified but other than that I would never waste my money on that stuff.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by daytona1990

I can't really see why you would want to own a Mac. I've been a part of the computer industry and IT world for about 18 - 20 years now and I've never found myself wanting or needing a Mac. Sure it would be nice to own both if you can or be Mac Certified but other than that I would never waste my money on that stuff.

I've worked with computers since 1985, started on CADAM running on an IBM mainframe, the next job was Cadkey on a Compaq 286 and bought new PC's along the way until 2003. I bought my first Mac, a PowerMac G5 in 2003 to edit videos of my kid. The machine has run flawlessly and I'm posting this from that machine. I also have a MacBook Pro with Mac OS 10.5 and Windows XP Pro SP3 running on a Boot Camp partition and also on VMWare Fusion. I also have virtual machines of Unbuntu Linux and Solaris 10 running on Fusion. I find the Mac to require a lot less maintenance then Windows and just a generally more enjoyable computing experience. Old hardware doesn't seem to take a hit when upgrading the OS either, I have a 4 year old PowerBook G4 running Mac OS 10.5 that I have given to my kid, it runs better and faster then it did on 10.3 that it came with. Try upgrading a 4 year old PC to Vista without any hardware upgrades, you're gonna take a huge performance hit if it will even run. I'm not a Windows basher or hater, I still use Windows XP Pro everyday at work and also at home for certain tasks but given the choice I'll take the Mac OS every time. Give one a try sometime if you live near an Apple Store, I think you'll find them to be worth the little extra you have to pay plus now that they have Intel processors you can run multiple OS's without issue.
Lvl 14
A pc is what I have right now, but i'm actualy considering getting a mac when this one dies. I'm not as much a gammer as I used to be so loosing my pc games isnt so bad.

Still trying to work out the pros and cons.
Lvl 3

I use a Microsoft bluetooth notebook mouse with my iMac.
Lvl 26
Lvl 14
Lvl 28
My sisters desktop:

Hey Antic, what kind of vegetables are they?

I can only recognize the Pumpkin.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by cooper9

Hey Antic, what kind of vegetables are they?

I can only recognize the Pumpkin.

Various squash.
Lvl 6
My own picture, taken on my vacation to Hawaii last month.

Originally posted by Kanzen


Various squash.

Lvl 3
Originally posted by cooper9

Hey Antic, what kind of vegetables are they?

I can only recognize the Pumpkin.

Hell if I know. The wallpaper came from a mormon site if that helps any. Mormon chick or babe or something like that.