Do you have a PC or a Mac ?
PC, Give us hell Microsoft!
72.22% (26)
Mac, We think, therefore we are.
27.78% (10)
Originally posted by Kanzen
Where is the option for people that own both?
Originally posted by daytona1990
I can't really see why you would want to own a Mac. I've been a part of the computer industry and IT world for about 18 - 20 years now and I've never found myself wanting or needing a Mac. Sure it would be nice to own both if you can or be Mac Certified but other than that I would never waste my money on that stuff.
Originally posted by cooper9
Hey Antic, what kind of vegetables are they?
I can only recognize the Pumpkin.
Originally posted by cooper9
Hey Antic, what kind of vegetables are they?
I can only recognize the Pumpkin.