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Need some help from the men!!

Starter: GirlyGirl1978 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 2.5K
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Lvl 8
This is kinda a long post but the info leads to my question...Please guys give me your honest answers about any and all of it!! I have been with my boyfriend (now fiancee) for 3 years, for a good chunk of these 3 years he has made me feel like he has no interest in me sexual at all. We have talked/fought about it and he says he's just not that interested in sex anymore. But almost everytime I am out of the house he is on porn sites so obviously his interest is still there just not with me. We talked seriously about it once and he told me he's not comfortable doing different things besides missionary with me, he doesn't know why just everytime he tries to get more into it he freezes up. I know he's into so many different things for sex and foreplay and I hate that he has no interest in me. He really hurts my feelings and I try to be so open to ANYTHING with him and it doesn't matter. Every other aspect of our relationship is really good for the most part but this subject tears me apart and I want it to be different so badly! He makes me feel so unattractive and unwanted, I try to make moves on him and majority of the time he pushs me away or tries to divert my attention. I've tried to dress up, look sexy, get him into it in the bedroom and nothing has made him open up. I've tried to rub him sexually, I've gone down on him, tried every sexual thing but most of the time he ends it. I know he is still into sex but how do I make him into me?
Lvl 6
Poor thing, you can't make him be in to you. I know it makes you sad but, the best thing for you to do is end the relationship and find someone who will appreciate all aspects of you. Sex can be whatever you want it to be, you shouldn't really have to try to make someone interested.

This is more about him than it is about you. In the long run your life will improve the moment that you add value to your self-image and quit trying to force his affection.

It's just a guess but, it sounds to me like the guy is lost in porn. His reality is now two dimensional. Please get out before more of you is lost.

Lvl 9
is this is legit, quick answer... move on
Lvl 13
if he is like this now it will get worse when you marrie and the next stop is cheeting on you now or later but it will happen if he dont want you now he wont later
He sounds like a cunt, maybe he's ghey or you are a dominator?
Lvl 14
Are you fat?
That's the only thing that would turn him off.
Most men don't want sex with really fat girls.
Post a picture of yourself and I will give you a more
detailed evaluation. Serious.
Lvl 20
Leave the dude. I'm sure you can do better.
Lvl 8
wow, i sort of had the same problem in reverse,i'm the male, it took patients and understanding but only took about 6 mos to help get everything sorted out. we still have some sticky areas but we're working on it TOGETHER to make things better. So,that's my point he has to want to change. i sat down and explained that if things were'nt going to change i could'nt stay this way. tell him if he's serious shit or get off the pot.
Lvl 10
Honey, you can't make anyone more into you. Either they are or they aren't. You've given this guy 3 years to figure it out and he apparently would rather spank the monkey over porn than get busy with you. I know it must hurt but it's better you find out now than after being married to him. My advice is end it with him and find some guy who can't keep his hands off of you. You deserve better than what your boyfriend is giving you!
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Seryano

Are you fat?
That's the only thing that would turn him off.
Most men don't want sex with really fat girls.
Post a picture of yourself and I will give you a more
detailed evaluation. Serious.

I agree with half of what you said.

I agree with the part about posting a picture, that would be cool, but not about asking her if she's fat.

I mean, there are a lot of guys who like bigger women. Personally I love a thick babe, partly cause fucking a smaller chick would be like sex with a rag doll and she'd be broken in half by the time I was done.

About the issue...maybe he's just very intimidated cause he thinks he'll fuck it up(no pun intended). Or maybe he's just shy about his sexuality in general. It could be a possibility that he is just not comfortable doing things like that with another person, not that he doesn't like the idea of them in private/alone.
Lvl 14
I think she's fat. I had a gorgeous blond who lived with me and in six months she
ate every dairy product known to mankind and lost her figure and I couldn't stand
sex with her. I eventually tossed her out caused she blamed ME! Men are sexually
attracted to beautiful bodies, that's why we come here. That's why her dude gets
porn too. We don't want sex with fatties. I think she's obese! Most American
women are fat.
Lvl 9
try a roofie colada
works with the ladies
Lvl 8
Thank you all so much for all of your answers!! To give a few answers to some of the questions, no I am not fat...I have had 2 children and only weigh now 6 lbs. more than I did pre-both pregnancys. I have a pretty low self esteem at the present moment but do not think I am ugly. A lot of your answers were to leave him (which is the same thing I would tell someone if it was someone else who wrote this thread.) but we have 2 children, a house, engaged, and most of the other parts of the relationship are good, this one is just not. I just don't know what to do! However most of you were right, I can't make him feel or do anything, I just wish and was wondering if there was a way to open his eyes, to make him more comfortable and to make him see how much he hurts me! Thank you all so much for all your answers!!!
Lvl 10
Originally posted by Seryano

Most American
women are fat.

MOST? Okay, you live in Panama so how many American women have you seen? Are there many overweight women in the US? Sure. Are there many skinny women in the US? Yes. Are there many women in the US who are curvy but still looking hot? Yes. You can't generalize with a statement like "most...anything" and not end up looking like a zenophobic moron.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by jmanoh


MOST? Okay, you live in Panama so how many American women have you seen? Are there many overweight women in the US? Sure. Are there many skinny women in the US? Yes. Are there many women in the US who are curvy but still looking hot? Yes. You can't generalize with a statement like "most...anything" and not end up looking like a zenophobic moron.

*Agrees!* (beer)
Lvl 11
first things first.... ur sign says ur a dude but ur name says otherwise. Is that right?
If so i doubt you'll find much help here.
Lvl 59
I question the legitimacy of this thread.

That being said, I will give you two options; either leave or buy a vibrator.
Lvl 23
He is gay, or you are ugly.. only two possible answers.
Lvl 7
^^Is that your final answer?
Lvl 8
You sound like a porker!!! if not He is one!
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