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mumbai, india, your thoughts?

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 1.6K

^^ a quick recap for those who have not heard of this tragedy.

i don't really know what i'm expecting here actually. i mean we've all heard of terrorist attacks happening around the world, and naturally we are repulsed (unless you're some sort of bastard) by these actions. the difference for me this time is that my best friends mum was in the oberi (sp?) trident hotel at the time of the shooting and was wounded from gunfire. the two people, a 13 year old girl and her father, sitting at her table were killed instantly.

i suppose the proximity of knowing someone who was involved has really made this incident real for me. i can't stop thinking about this, and it is really starting to enrage me. over 150 people were killed when these gutless pussies co-ordinated attacks throughout popular tourist spots in india (also, a jewish center) and went about indiscriminately slaughtering innocent people.

what is more disturbing is that they were scouring the hotels asking for anyone with a british or american passport. clearly the aim of their relentless hatred is toward the western way of life. muslim extremeist groups seem to be growing by the day in terms of numbers and popularity. now, i tend to reserve my own prejudices, but for a religion that is supposedly "the religion of peace", they sure do a lot of killing. i've never done anything that even remotely effects a muslim, yet as a 'westerner' i am the object of such spite that they would sooner shoot me (and you) than take a look. does this bother anyone else? i know every muslim isn't like this, but with hundreds of thousands of these motherfuckers running around the globe, who knows who could be next??
Lvl 5
It amazes me how far these terrorists are willing to go just to kill a few Americans. It is my understanding that they don't target Americans only, but anyone that doesn't adhere to their beliefs or religion. The one positive thing coming out of all of these attacks "If you can really call it positive" is that a lot more of the world is taking notice just how full of hate these terrorists are. A large percentage of the Muslim population once sided with Al Qaeda, where as now they are beginning to notice what the extremists are doing to their religion.
Lvl 16
It's real simple. Muslims are the ONLY religion active in today's society who aspire to world domination at all costs, including killing the innocent. You certainly will not find a single incident of any other religion killing people in the name of "God". Granted christians have no business in Irag. They have have been killing each other for centuries and I just do not know what Bush was thinking. They will continue to kill each other, as well as any and everybody else they can justify. Best to spend our time and money on protecting ourselves as this will not soon end, as Obama and all his supporters will soon discover.
Read more, you will find the history of muslims and christians interesting as both have made mistakes, but I agrre completley, they killed innocent Hindu's for NO good reason. Hate can not bee reasoned with!
Lvl 13
if we have done what we started out to do it would not be here right know
Lvl 27
Cowards, the lot of them...
Lvl 10
Cowards indeed, unfortunately many died and were injured, but it could have been far far worse (deaths in the thousands).
sucks at how a hotel was warned off attacks just sometime before..
and they had only recently lowered their security measures, although....the ones they had in place would not have helped

the worst thing is, is that most of the deaths, were more than ever increasing tensions between pakistanis and indians

retarded fucks..
Lvl 22
Nuke 'em
Lvl 7
Wow, you just noticed this problem! 'Bout time.

How about those PLA/PLO attacks back in the '60s and '70s and the neverending violence and murders of innocents the world over and you people have finally noticed this. Surprise, surprise the American news media has noticed it too. I guess 9/11/01 wasn't "a big fucking clue".

Nowadays the US and Britain are the main targets but many other countries have had this problem during the last 5 decades but as time goes on the politicians have tried to make treaties with them only to find out that radical Islamic terrorists will keep coming with one goal in mind: world Islamic domination. Period. Now when the US goes out and does something about it the rest of the world cries foul in public but is damn glad that we are the ones doing the dirty work. So our armed forces have to use the kid gloves and be nice to terrorists and such. Until the rest of the world gets on board with what needs to be done then this type of terrorism will continue. Torture and eradication works wonders.

Recently the Indian Navy sunk a Somali pirate ship which no doubt was loaded with Islamic trained sailors uh, pirates. In response to that a separate terror cell activates independantly and attacks a target with American, British and other tourist but the bonus is that there are plenty of India's civilians to shoot too. The Indian Army takes out most of the terrorists and the rest of the world just blinks but if the USA did that the world and especially our own news media would be crying for some sort of international court to hang us for violating the terrorists rights.

So now a terrorist attack hits close to somebody (Phlux)and he is starting to understand what's going on in the world. I didn't know anybody directly that died in the attacks on 9/11 but if it had not be for a promotion/transfer and car trouble/copy duty a retired Col. USArmy that I have known for years would have lost his wife and sister-in-law at the Pentagon. I also have another friend who did work at the Pentagon for years before he retired and he along with my other friend lost many friends that day. Almost 3,000 people killed in 2 1/2 hours and yet more of us forget about that every year. Soon a new President will throw in the towel and unleash a new wave of genocide in the Middle East and Africa.

Until more countries and people realize that these terrorists will kill anybody anywhere anytime and actually go after these murderers nothing will change and incidents like this will happen more and more often. After all, Obama was eleceted President of the US and guess what, there are acts of terrorism being committed worldwide. I thought with him as Pres it would stop. Bad news is it ain't gonna stop because of him. It will get worse. Go ahead, keep score.

BTW, if these idiots win then this site will be gone. And so will it's owner.
Lvl 10
this is why tits and politics don't mix. I feel kind of funny saying something like "hey Honda, do you think that hot muslim chick has real or fake tits?"

On a different note-
Lvl 5
News coming across the wire that a bomb was set off on a train in India. 2 passengers dead and 30 wounded.
Lvl 7
Franklin you're absolutely correct, tits and politics don't mix hence the lack of tits in this thread.

Haven't heard anything about a train bombing but gee whiz when somebody mentions a terrorist act the first group that comes to mind is...
Lvl 22
terrorism is another way to do a war.

if you think war rules are there to protect civilians (which in theory, they are) check the number of civilian casualties in any modern war.
if you think they are there to protect soldiers, think abu grahib (spelling?)

war is war and sucks but it doesn't suck less than terrorism!

laws of war are there to assure only rich countries can do that kind of war while poor countries go to trial.
Lvl 6
Unfortunately it takes a terrible thing like this attack to make the world wake up.... This is a global problem, no countries are immune! I am American and I hope Obama can repair our foreign relationships so we can get global cooperation to stop tragedies like Mumbai!
Lvl 24
people who do shit like that so deserve to die, they should go back to the death by hanging method when it comes to those cunts

same with child molesters and others who are just as much a waste of life :P

Thread moved...

The Lounge -----> The Panel
Lvl 7
You are very correct and I agree, however, "rules" only apply to those who are a part of the Geneva Convention. Al Qaeda and all of these terrorists groups aren't part of it so there-are-no-rules. Also meaning that whatever terrorist prisoners are obtained, they're not "prisoners of war" since they don't belong in groups who are a part of the Geneva Convention. Which means, there are no rules to follow when it comes to anything which can include torture (they still have the right to be protected once the cuffs are on and in transport but that's it.). There are no rules in the war on terror other than protect the man/woman next to you and go home to see your family and that can go on for both sides. However one side is better trained and equipped than the other. They're willing to do whatever they can to inflict terror and death which means the same can be done to them. War sucks and terrorism sucks but this shit will go on until the world ends.

When it comes to civilian deaths I can tell you by experience that these insurgent knuckleheads in Iraq will kill anything that moves cause they know that the US media will basically blame our troops for those deaths. We have the technology to know who's who though.

(AF-TACP.. Better than a booty call)

Originally posted by budokan

terrorism is another way to do a war.

if you think war rules are there to protect civilians (which in theory, they are) check the number of civilian casualties in any modern war.
if you think they are there to protect soldiers, think abu grahib (spelling?)

war is war and sucks but it doesn't suck less than terrorism!

laws of war are there to assure only rich countries can do that kind of war while poor countries go to trial.
Lvl 7
All the more reason to have a concealed-carry permit. Wackos won't be as quick to open fire if there is return fire from a trained shooter.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by budokan

terrorism is another way to do a war.

if you think war rules are there to protect civilians (which in theory, they are) check the number of civilian casualties in any modern war.
if you think they are there to protect soldiers, think abu grahib (spelling?)

war is war and sucks but it doesn't suck less than terrorism!

laws of war are there to assure only rich countries can do that kind of war while poor countries go to trial.

I agree. The US discovered the strengths of terrorism 40 years ago in Viet Nam, though it was called "guerilla warfare" back then.
Lvl 19
Originally posted by astvilla

It's real simple. Muslims are the ONLY religion active in today's society who aspire to world domination at all costs, including killing the innocent. You certainly will not find a single incident of any other religion killing people in the name of "God".

What about the attacks on Christians in India less than 6 months ago by HINDUS? They entered villages and slaughtered them without warning.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by astvilla

It's real simple. Muslims are the ONLY religion active in today's society who aspire to world domination at all costs, including killing the innocent. You certainly will not find a single incident of any other religion killing people in the name of "God".

What Beta said. Additionally, people have been killing each other in the name of religion for millennia; it's not a new phenomenon.

Originally posted by tequila64

if we have done what we started out to do it would not be here right know


Originally posted by steelnail

Nowadays the US and Britain are the main targets but many other countries have had this problem during the last 5 decades but as time goes on the politicians have tried to make treaties with them only to find out that radical Islamic terrorists will keep coming with one goal in mind: world Islamic domination. Period. Now when the US goes out and does something about it the rest of the world cries foul in public but is damn glad that we are the ones doing the dirty work.

Well, the problem with unilaterally "do[ing] something about it" is that geopolitics and religious fanaticism are not one in the same, and invasion of sovereign foreign nations because of a amorphous group of religious followers may reside there is not solving the problem.

Originally posted by steelnail
So our armed forces have to use the kid gloves and be nice to terrorists and such. Until the rest of the world gets on board with what needs to be done then this type of terrorism will continue. Torture and eradication works wonders.

Torture does not work. Sure, the SS, KGB, China's Ministry of State Security, and the like got lots of confessions. Those confessions, however, don't seem, to me, like something in which I can place a lot of trust.

The people who are severely indoctrinated, I agree, can really be dealt with in only the most strict manner, but overall, the focus should be on education and socialization, not coercion.

Originally posted by steelnail

Recently the Indian Navy sunk a Somali pirate ship which no doubt was loaded with Islamic trained sailors uh, pirates. In response to that a separate terror cell activates independantly and attacks a target with American, British and other tourist but the bonus is that there are plenty of India's civilians to shoot too. The Indian Army takes out most of the terrorists and the rest of the world just blinks but if the USA did that the world and especially our own news media would be crying for some sort of international court to hang us for violating the terrorists rights.

Maybe, maybe not. It's hard to say what a reaction to a theoretical situation may be. If, by chance, the reaction were negative, it likely would have been nothing more than a knee-jerk response based on prior bad actions taken by the US government. When an entity has a history of acting and choosing poorly, it's human nature to assume that the current acts/choices are poor until proven otherwise.

Originally posted by steelnail

So now a terrorist attack hits close to somebody (Phlux)and he is starting to understand what's going on in the world. I didn't know anybody directly that died in the attacks on 9/11 but if it had not be for a promotion/transfer and car trouble/copy duty a retired Col. USArmy that I have known for years would have lost his wife and sister-in-law at the Pentagon. I also have another friend who did work at the Pentagon for years before he retired and he along with my other friend lost many friends that day. Almost 3,000 people killed in 2 1/2 hours and yet more of us forget about that every year. Soon a new President will throw in the towel and unleash a new wave of genocide in the Middle East and Africa.

Hyperbole much? They're all tragic events, obviously, but to be so arrogant to assume that there is any course of action that will prevent all of these types of action from happening is ridiculous. Further, it's actually quite likely that US involvement in these areas helps to INCREASE the popularity of these jingoist/religious fanatics.

Originally posted by steelnail

Until more countries and people realize that these terrorists will kill anybody anywhere anytime and actually go after these murderers nothing will change and incidents like this will happen more and more often. After all, Obama was eleceted President of the US and guess what, there are acts of terrorism being committed worldwide. I thought with him as Pres it would stop. Bad news is it ain't gonna stop because of him. It will get worse. Go ahead, keep score.

What? Why would Obama being elected have anything to do with a group of Islamo-fascist terrorists murdering a number of people in Mumbai (Bombay)? These people don't like the "Western" way of life, which is not exclusive to the US.

Originally posted by steelnail

BTW, if these idiots win then this site will be gone. And so will it's owner.

"These idiots" will not win, but they won't lose because of bombs and guns, either.

Originally posted by polo3

I am American and I hope Obama can repair our foreign relationships so we can get global cooperation to stop tragedies like Mumbai!

What? Your assertion is that our foreign relationships are damaged due to Bush and so we don't have global cooperation to stop terrorism? So, there are states that don't like us so much they're now cool with terrorism?

The truth is Obama will have little to do with global terrorism, as it's overwhelmingly a religious/socio-economic issue, not a political one.