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McCain's New Vice President

Starter: fsujd524 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 10.9K
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Lvl 27
yes she did give a prepared speech, but objectively speaking, have you ever seen Obama answer qestions where he didn't have a prepared speech?

In my opinion, speeches don't mean diddly, what matters is, do you have the knowledge and background to do a particular job...
Lvl 25
Makes me douby McCains judgement in choosing her.
Lvl 18
I'm more concerned about character than experience. Bush wasn't experienced. Obama isn't very. Palin isn't. McCain and Biden are.

I don't like her. I don't want a paster-in-chief. McCain is great because he is reasoned and more moderate. MOST people are in the middle. Most people go issue for issue and McCain does that. So to bring in someone who is potentially a book banning wack job is not cool by me.

There were better choices. Add to it the fact that she is mixed up in all of that Alaska bribery and ethics stuff....just a bad decision.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by mrdorkbutt
I'm more concerned about character than experience. Bush wasn't experienced. Obama isn't very. Palin isn't. McCain and Biden are.

I don't like her. I don't want a paster-in-chief. McCain is great because he is reasoned and more moderate. MOST people are in the middle. Most people go issue for issue and McCain does that. So to bring in someone who is potentially a book banning wack job is not cool by me.

There were better choices. Add to it the fact that she is mixed up in all of that Alaska bribery and ethics stuff....just a bad decision.

Can you give me an example of Obama displaying more "character" than Palin? What's your definition of "character"?, it surely can't include remaining consistent.
Clearly you're not being objective. Even the President can not get a book banned, that would be subject to judicial review. Both Bush's have been outspoken on religious matters, exactly what religious policy has changed under either of their Presidencies that upsets you?
Bribery and Ethics? Seriously, aside from the fact that they're nothing other than allegations, do you remember the Clinton years and/or Whitewater?
Lvl 18
id shag her senseless and when her daughter turns 18 id shag her to
Lvl 8

there are a lot of uninformed opinions here... I don't mind opinions as long as they aren't passed off as facts (which is the case here)


care to be more specific?

and in case you're referring to the situation where Palin fired the boss of her (ex)brother in law for not firing her brother in law... the brother in law was a police officer who threatened the lives of the Governor (Palin) and the Governor's family, he also shot his 10y.o. step son (Palin's sister's son) with a department issued Taser to "teach him a lesson"... add that to the alleged adultery and you've got a police officer that I don't want on the street...
*and in case you don't agree with that decision, the Supreme Court of Alaska has already ruled (in a separate case - read precedence) that it is perfectly legal for the Governor of Alaska to fire any state employee for ANY reason, including political or personal...

Palin is going to bring "Middle America" to McCain's feet, and she just may be the reason he wins the seat!

we'll see... Exactly 2 months till we find out...
Lvl 18
I'm talking about the Ted Stevens stuff. That dude is a shady fucker. She ran his 527 group. She received and kept contributions from the oil company whose CEO is in jail now and whose bribes Stevens is going to trial over. She has already had to retain a lawyer to deal with her role in that mess.

you want to talk about consistent? Like her supporting the "bridge to nowhere" then immediately back off of it once the press turned against it. Like how she is "against earmarks and the establishment" yet also hired Steven Silver (law firm of Robertson, Monacle, and Eastaugh), a lobbyist who was shade Steven's chief of staff and who has Jack Abramoff ties, to go and fetch Federal earmarks for her. In 2002 she managed to wrangle 6.9 million in federal money. almost a $1000 in earmarks per person in her small town.

There, there are some facts for you. Now, please suck my un-informed cock. And, yes, I do remember the Clinton years. do you want more of that? I didn't vote for Hillary and I was prepared to vote for McCain. He should have won in 2000 until Rove pulled that black baby shit in South Carolina.

Bush Sr. wasn't outspoken religiously. Bush, Jr. has been but he is full of shit. Aside from throwing money at his bullshit "faith based initiatives" and cutting sexual ed money -- which again, turned out well in the Palin household -- it hasn't been a problem. Bush was full of shit. He'd like the anti-abortion people rally, but he won't push to do anything about abortion. That is the Republican way with the Christian Right. Make them happy, but if you solved all of their problems, you'd lose them as a voting block. Once abortion is illegal and everyone prays all day at school during their creationism class, you can't get those people to vote for you based on tax cuts for the rich. So you string them along. What happens to all of your heroes once the battle is over? Karl Rove know that.

This woman believes what she says though. She is the number one consumer of she shit she is selling. No, she can't get books banned, but you aren't bothered that she'd like to? That isn't a character issue? Having a closed mind. I want leaders who have the ability to empathize with all sides of an issue. I want leaders who aren't so self righteous they'd push a Christian agenda and let God be the justification for everything they do in office. I want a leader who is open to science and can meeting and discuss issues with foreign leaders without quietly judging them because they might not be Christian.

Best thing about middle America: Most of those states only get 3 electoral votes each.

What I want is a moderate. I don't want another polarizing figure in office. This country is suffering because of these 51 to 49% elections. I want to see people united for a change so we can actually fix many of the mistake of the past 8 years. If anything is reassuring to me its that either McCain or Obama will be better than Bush. Election Day will be a happy one.
Lvl 15
Originally posted by mrdorkbutt

Oh and just to clarify why its relevant her 17 year old daughter is pregnant, this woman doesn't believe in sex education. She wants to push the Christian abstinence only deal like Bush does. So, the question the Democrats better asked her is this: If your daughter had been given an education on birth control, do you think her 17 year old ass would still have gotten knocked up? Ultimately this is important because her policy on sex education didn't even work in her own household, but if she is ever President (got my Christian ass praying against that one), she is only going to gear education money towards that failed policy she didn't even have success with.

Epic. Failure.

As far as sex education I am a bit older than you and I never had sex ed or a talk from the ol man and I never got a girl pregnant before we wanted children. Are you telling me you never entered a girl just for a minute with out a condom. Come on this could have happened to almost every person on this site. Most of us were just plain lucky.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by ZR800

As far as sex education I am a bit older than you and I never had sex ed or a talk from the ol man and I never got a girl pregnant before we wanted children. Are you telling me you never entered a girl just for a minute with out a condom. Come on this could have happened to almost every person on this site. Most of us were just plain lucky.

I absolutely have and I totally agree. And that is the point. Abstinence education is pathetic and unrealistic. Its a dream. We are biologically programmed to start fucking once puberty hits. Hell, its all I thought about when I was 14 and 15. Really, everything else is a blur. I don't think I thought about a single other thing.

So why are we wasting Federal money on the fantasy that it isn't going to happen? Why are we trying to scare kids away from sex with stories about how condoms are horrible and God is going to punish them for getting it on. I have kids. I don't want them to have sex young. But they are going to do what they are going to do. I'm not so ignorant I think that abstinence education is going to make a difference. And, again, I'm sure they did abstinence education at the Palin house and their kid is pregnant. It doesn't work. And its dumb.

If you are going to address the issue in schools, address the entire issue. Give a complete education, not just what you want them to hear.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by cimmaron069

and in case you're referring to the situation where Palin fired the boss of her (ex)brother in law for not firing her brother in law... the brother in law was a police officer who threatened the lives of the Governor (Palin) and the Governor's family, he also shot his 10y.o. step son (Palin's sister's son) with a department issued Taser to "teach him a lesson"... add that to the alleged adultery and you've got a police officer that I don't want on the street...
*and in case you don't agree with that decision, the Supreme Court of Alaska has already ruled (in a separate case - read precedence) that it is perfectly legal for the Governor of Alaska to fire any state employee for ANY reason, including political or personal...

I don't feel the need to address the family stuff because its dumb. It does show a penchant for drama and maybe some maturity issues, which concern me, but the rest of it is fluff. The Ted Stevens stuff is serious.
Lvl 8
I hear some of what you're saying mr.DB... and I think that anyone put in the position she's put in (new to the political system) when she became a governor is going to listen to the people around her and the people that got her there.. did she make mistakes when she first got there? yeah probably... I don't know ALL the facts, but I know people.... and I'm telling you that woman has worked hard to overcome her mistakes (it probably scared her to death how quickly she got wrapped up in doing something that she disagrees with in principle)... it's a slippery slope that any politician is forced to navigate.. but I think that NOW (and in the future) she's got her head strait and she will act appropriately with regards to reform and government spending.. If McCain/Palin are elected, I am pretty excited to see how they'll use the line item veto..

and don't throw her hiring a lawyer up as a way of admitting guilt... the first thing that any intelligent person does when they are faced with a lawsuit of any kind is hire a lawyer.. even if they didn't do anything wrong..
Lvl 18
Originally posted by cimmaron069

and don't throw her hiring a lawyer up as a way of admitting guilt... the first thing that any intelligent person does when they are faced with a lawsuit of any kind is hire a lawyer.. even if they didn't do anything wrong..

I have reservations. I'm going to do this for all of my conservative friends. I'm going to relax. I'll admit, I'm not objective. I was immediately opposed and vehemently so. But I'll wait. I think we need an actual Republican in office. We need to spend less. Figure out the war and balance the budget. That is what this country needs. It isn't going to happen. I'm not sure how to vote.

Honestly, across the board, I think we need to push for term limits. Even if they won't be constitutionally implemented, I think we need a movement to get rid of folks after two terms and keep turning them over. Our elected officials don't fear us any longer as they should. They do crazy, illegal and unethical shit all of the time and I'm sick to death of it. That is why I liked McCain. That is why I'm concerned.

But I'll wait. 2 months is a long time.
Lvl 8
I agree with you on a couple points... term limits are HUGE to me...

you say that you think we need an actual Republican in the office.. well one thing is for sure.. whether McCain/Palin are actual republicans or not aside.. OBAMA/BIDEN AREN'T EVEN CLOSE..

I was under the impression that Republicans stood for Conservative Ideals... of which smaller government, personal freedoms, strong military, faith based leadership decisions, and lower taxes for individuals are the cornerstone..

I don't see how McCain/Palin don't represent these Ideals..... I see them as the POSTER CHILDREN for them..
Lvl 10
Originally posted by Duderjr

Scary, lets ask our Republicans if she could be president of the United States...because McCain is going to die in office if voted in. So now the real political race is Obama vs Palin.
Are you threating the McCain or are you just a talking out your ass.
Lvl 10
Originally posted by britmonkey

Makes me douby McCains judgement in choosing her.
What the fuck is "douby?"
Lvl 18
We'll see.

The faith based situation is one that scares me. Smaller government and personal freedoms doesn't tend to mix well with religious doctrine.

McCain = good
Palin = .....hmm......

We were supposed to get a number of those things with Bush, Jr. (whom I never voted for ever) and we didn't.

You know who I actually liked was Huckabee. I think we need to look hard at the National sales tax in place of personal taxes. Its fairer and it encourages, even rewards, fiscal restraint and responsiblity by individuals. Our tax system is a mess. We collect 1.4 trillion in taxes, yet still have a deficit. In China they collect 800 billion and don't. They also have 5 times as many people.

I think 1.4 trillion should be enough money to run our government. More than enough.
Lvl 10
Originally posted by Seryano

Just so we are all on the same page (I feel a few of these guys don't understand what pandering is) Here is the definition:
Pandering - In politics the portrayal of one's views to fit in line with a certain crowd of voters the candidate is attempting to impress, when often, these are not the candidate's true beliefs. A candidate may engage in pandering out of desperation if s/he is already losing a race, or if polls taken prior to an election show others as being in the lead.

So we see McBush appointing a woman to appeal to women voters. He has portrayed himself as pro-women, when in fact,
when one looks at his record, he is anything but pro-women and he has done it, because he has a weak position, he is losing and is trying to strengthen his standing in the polls.
Who is "McBush" you used condom. Are you supporting BosoObama. Now just how hell does that sound to you. Both of these gentleman have names and should be addressed as such. That's my stand on the matter and it should be yours.
Lvl 8
i think douby is supposed to be doubt.... t&y are next to each other...
Lvl 16
BTW. It has come to light that Palin's speech last night was given with a faulty teleprompter. Rudy had the same issues before her and that is why he got off track. The teleprompters usually stop for applause and all but these weren't. By mid speech it was a page ahead of where she was at. And it didn't seem to phase her at all. YouTube has plenty of video of a couple of different occasions where this has happened to Obama and he can barely speak at all without it.

Giving speeches is a good skill to have. But being able to stay on track and sound coherent with nothing in front of you to read is much more impressive. To me, staying on topic and coherent are requirements when speaking without a script. It shows me that you are not afraid to say what you are saying because you really believe it. Obama's utter incoherence when going off script indicates to me that he does not believe in what he is saying and wants to always make sure his statements are vague enough to back out of later.

I was going to vote for McCain anyway since I can not support someone who will destroy our economy like Obama will, but Palin now has me actually excited about voting for them. Talking to those from Alaska who know all of the crap that is getting spun around about her and know her governing style has convinced me she is right for the job.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by rocknthefreeworld

BTW. It has come to light that Palin's speech last night was given with a faulty teleprompter. Rudy had the same issues before her and that is why he got off track. The teleprompters usually stop for applause and all but these weren't. By mid speech it was a page ahead of where she was at. And it didn't seem to phase her at all. YouTube has plenty of video of a couple of different occasions where this has happened to Obama and he can barely speak at all without it.

Giving speeches is a good skill to have. But being able to stay on track and sound coherent with nothing in front of you to read is much more impressive. To me, staying on topic and coherent are requirements when speaking without a script. It shows me that you are not afraid to say what you are saying because you really believe it. Obama's utter incoherence when going off script indicates to me that he does not believe in what he is saying and wants to always make sure his statements are vague enough to back out of later.

I was going to vote for McCain anyway since I can not support someone who will destroy our economy like Obama will, but Palin now has me actually excited about voting for them. Talking to those from Alaska who know all of the crap that is getting spun around about her and know her governing style has convinced me she is right for the job.

^^ X2

are you watching fox news? they just reported that ...
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