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McCain's New Vice President

Starter: fsujd524 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 10.9K
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Lvl 15
she does look pretty good we need a photo-chop contest
Lvl 59
Originally posted by efilnikufesin


and it is very sad to say the least i have more respect for the people who have told me i wont vote obama because he is black, i still think they ar ignorant fools but its better thn some of the other lame excuses made in order to keep the racism in the closet

This is nonsensical inflammatory horseshit.

People may dislike the guy and his politics for hundreds of reasons that have nothing to do with the color of his skin.

You're just using his being black as a pathetic excuse to chastise people who don't like him as a candidate.

That's just as reprehensible as being racist in the first place, if not more so.
Lvl 10
All the males talking about her level of intelligence, stated or implied, will find out when the veep debates start. She will cut windbag Biden's dick off a quarter inch at a time. This is a intelligent person who happens to have a vagina, isn't it time you fucking fuckers realized that can happen. Also damn few of you fuckers have ever seen a vagina. I am voting for them and I wish to hell the ticket was reversed..
Lvl 15
Originally posted by EricLindros


This is nonsensical inflammatory horseshit.

People may dislike the guy and his politics for hundreds of reasons that have nothing to do with the color of his skin.

You're just using his being black as a pathetic excuse to chastise people who don't like him as a candidate.

That's just as reprehensible as being racist in the first place, if not more so.

honestly i am not using it as an excuse, in the areas i work in i see it and hear it on a daily basis
i have the pleasure of working in an area of tampa were you can be in the most urban part of town and then drive 5 miles to the east and be in the most rural area so i see and hear everything from the man in the country that will tell me straight up i wont vote for him because he is black to the guy in my office who doesn't have the balls to admit it but will use every foul word to describe the people in my urban area i saw the same thing when we had the possibility of a female getting the nomination my statement was ligament from experience working in the streets every day with all types of people

so take a deep breath and simmer down your not always right
i chastised the poster for his weak remark and then went on to make another statement next time i will double post as to separate my comments for you i thought the cap lock did that but i guess i was wrong my bad
Lvl 9
I think its a bunch crap that Obama wants to talk about Palins inexperience, what about his
Lvl 15
Originally posted by Ball1980

I think its a bunch crap that Obama wants to talk about Palins inexperience, what about his

i agree with this 100% even as a obama supporter i think we will see his campaign ease up on this kind of stuff and focus more on the other issues at hand or at least i hope that is what happens otherwise that really just makes it look like a cheap shot
Lvl 11
I've read every post in this thread at least twice, so I have to assume that "All the males talking about her level of intelligence" isn't a reference to this discussion, but to something that's happening somewhere other than WBW. Actually, I haven't seen her intelligence called into question at all, only her views and her experience. I do question McCain's wisdom choosing Palin, but none of us will know if he chose a good running mate for several more months, and even if it turns out that he did, it will be another year before we know if he made a good choice for VP.

BTW, I would still vote this ticket in reverse. Palin has more administrative qualifications than Obama does, and on the issues that I know her stance, I agree with her moreso than Obama.

Oh, and since seeing a vagina apparently makes a person more qualified to discuss political matters, you should help out the ignorant and show us yours
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 13
Originally posted by brownell

Oh, and since seeing a vagina apparently makes a person more qualified to discuss political matters, you should help out the ignorant and show us yours

Excellent volley!
Lvl 28
Originally posted by WindyM

All the males talking about her level of intelligence, stated or implied, will find out when the veep debates start. She will cut windbag Biden's dick off a quarter inch at a time. This is a intelligent person who happens to have a vagina, isn't it time you fucking fuckers realized that can happen. Also damn few of you fuckers have ever seen a vagina. I am voting for them and I wish to hell the ticket was reversed..

I wouldn't trust a woman to drive my car, let alone help lead my country.

(not really, I'm not overly sexist...but seriously, women can't drive)
Lvl 10
Brownie lets put a spec up your ass and take a look at your colon... Maybe that might not be such a good idea - you could observe my next pap exam though, my obgyn is a hot lady Doc and she would not care, in fact she might like having a few "males" for her audience..ha haha.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by WindyM

Brownie lets put a spec up your ass and take a look at your colon... Maybe that might not be such a good idea - you could observe my next pap exam though, my obgyn is a hot lady Doc and she would not care, in fact she might like having a few "males" for her audience..ha haha.

Damn... I'm all excited now...and I've totally forgot what this topic is supposed to be about.
Lvl 7
Before anybody votes they should research the candidates score cards. How? Simple,, etc. Search on the votes and what the legislation was about. The votes have to be recorded accurately since it's law, no bullshit.

Read the legislation that they voted on, the issues that they have fought for or against and compare this to your set of values. Research, read, compare, think and then vote.

Do your own work and don't rely on what others tell you to do.
Don't be a dumbass when you pull the lever!
Lvl 10
Wow, Steel way to get it back on track. I am still up the air about the candidates. I have problems with both. McCain sent all those Airbus jobs to France. Obama? Well, there's just so much about him I don't know, he only had a 140 days in office before this happened and all those rumors, ones gotta be true right? HMMMMmmm Still trying to figure it out.

I'm hoping one does a town hall meeting near me so I can decide.

Windy, as for your Pap. Video it and post it, I think you'd have a 5 star thread there. Make sure you get your hot Lady Docs rack in the shot though.
Lvl 10
kinda hard to make a video Di when you are laying on a table getting a pelvic exam. I would if I could though.. Probably all you could get a good view of would be the gynecologists ass once in a while. In the case of my Doc it would not be bad.
Lvl 59
Well, it turns out her daughter is preggers.

ST. PAUL — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, John McCain's choice for his vice presidential running mate, disclosed Monday that her unmarried, 17-year-old daughter is pregnant.
Lvl 11
Lvl 14
Originally posted by EricLindros

Well, it turns out her daughter is preggers.

[ Link ]

ST. PAUL — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, John McCain's choice for his vice presidential running mate, disclosed Monday that her unmarried, 17-year-old daughter is pregnant.

Is the USA fucked up or what!
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Seryano


Is the USA fucked up or what!

Yeah, the US is the only country in the world where 17 year olds have sex.
Lvl 14
I can't believe this is happening
Lvl 7
Wow a pregnant 17 yo, what a surprise to the world.

Now it has been reported that she and the father will marry so that's a step in the right direction. How many people on this site have parents that were 18 when you or siblings were squeezed out? Come on, raise your hand.

Chances are these kids won't end up on welfare as the family will help push the daughter/husband through college or into a job.

However I do find a large bucket of irony in this issue. Enjoy sifting through the muck.
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