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McCain's New Vice President

Starter: fsujd524 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 10.9K
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Lvl 11
Originally posted by fazerix

She's hot, my penis wants to vote for her.

Penis: Yes.... Brain: No but she is pretty hot, maybe McCain's libido got the better of him
Lvl 27
Originally posted by brownell


Penis: Yes.... Brain: No but she is pretty hot, maybe McCain's libido got the better of him

Could we have another Monica Lewinski scandal coming in the near future
Lvl 11
Originally posted by fsujd524


I highly doubt you were fucking with me. I'm sure that since you can't point out exactly where I said ALL women think that way you chose to say you were joking. I'm all about going back and forth and having fun with people but in order to do that we all need to be honest if we jumped the gun a little. As far as what it "seems" like what I'm saying, there's nothing I can do about that because you apparently already made up your mind about how I think. But for shits and giggles I'll go ahead and say it AGAIN. I never once insinuated that an overwhelming amount of women think that way NOR did I ever say that she's ignorant and the other male candidates are competent. AGAIN I'd love for you to point out exactly where I said those things and where I insinuated them because I'd love to retract them seeing how it's NOT how I feel in the slightest.

C'mon now, you better not go there. You said what you said, and we all know what you were implying. She gave you an out, but you have to stop digging before you can get out of the hole.
Lvl 3
Originally posted by ZR800

"Or will he not win because our countries good ol' boys will keep a woman out of office?"

Well if you think this way then are the good ol’ boys ready for a black president? I am just sick and tired the way politics works. I don’t even think I'll vote this time around. The choices aren’t very good. They all lie. Lets just see how many promises they can keep. People forget that unless the senate and congress are on their side they wont be able to achieve shit. Health care? I believe that if Hillary and Bill couldn’t get it done I don’t think Obama will either. And I didn’t vote for Bill. Hey I know lets support a write in candidate. Kwame Kilpatrick.

Dude, just want to make one thing clear, if you reread my original statement you'll see that I said that all these questions were questions that I've heard. They aren't questions that I came up with. The reason I put those specific questions up there was to spark debate, not to have people pissed at me dude. Just keep that in mind. If you don't want to vote then thats unfortunate, but I wouldn't expect you to if you truly don't like either candidate.
Lvl 29
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

a vagina does not change the view of a person or that persons political opinions.

Not always true!! A vagina has changed my point of view om numerous occasions!!

Lvl 3
Originally posted by brownell


C'mon now, you better not go there. You said what you said, and we all know what you were implying. She gave you an out, but you have to stop digging before you can get out of the hole.

Actually it was the other way around. She made all the insinuations and placed words into my statements that simply weren't there. I'm just calmly asking her to point out where I said those things, she has yet to come up with them because they were never there in the first place. I'm simply not playing into her agenda. So sorry, moderator or not I refuse to admit to something that I didn't do. Plain and simple.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by brownell

You said what you said, and we all know what you were implying.

exactly my thoughts.

@ fsujd524 - before you burst a blood vessel over there getting too excited, let me be clear that i can read and i DID read exactly what you said, so no worries. everyone takes everything they read their own way, and if i took it really the wrong way then i sorely apoligize
Lvl 22
a smart move by a smart man!!will it help,I sadly doubt it!
Lvl 3
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum


exactly my thoughts.

@ fsujd524 - before you burst a blood vessel over there getting too excited, let me be clear that i can read and i DID read exactly what you said, so no worries. everyone takes everything they read their own way, and if i took it really the wrong way then i sorely apoligize

Ok ok, since you are being the bigger person and apologizing it's only right if I do the same. Thank you for the apology and I'm very sorry if what I wrote came across in the wrong way, it really was not meant to demean or insinuate that women are less competent or less capable of a candidacy. It was never meant to sound that way at all.

Ok, so hopefully this quick little back and forth is done. Now we can get back to the debate cause I really do want to hear what people have to say about this whole thing.
Originally posted by fsujd524

Ok everyone, all the cards are on the table for both candidates. It's official that Senator John McCain's running mate is Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. So there's of course tons of debate that has already surrounded this decision and many questions arisen. Did McCain only pick Palin because she's a woman and is a ploy to pull all Hilary supporters to his side? Is she really the right choice for the job? Did McCain shoot himself in the foot for harping on Obama for his lack of experience even though Palin is two years Obama's junior? Or is Palin's youth a good contrast to McCain's age? Will McCain win now because he may have overwhelming women support? Or will he not win because our countries good ol' boys will keep a woman out of office? Those are just a few questions I've already been seeing, feel free to come up with you own. Get your thoughts out on the floor.

What are your thoughts?
Lvl 59

Back on topic, my first thought was "Who?"

I really thought McCain was going to go for Romney, just because he's probably best known for his economic knowledge and that's McCain's weak area.

That being said, after looking her up a bit, it's an interesting choice.

Finally, if we're going to have a topic about the lady, we might as well have a picture, because, well, look:

Lvl 27
Holy hell, she is pretty hot

And I love the school teacher look
Lvl 24
@ lindros - dont yell at me, im your boss.

(but youre too cute, so ill allow it.)

i think if McCain picked this chick simply to keep up with the novelty of a woman being in office and taking a chance on it because itll be seen as revolutionary and "a big change", i still think hes going to have a lot to compete against on that end of it when it comes to Obama.

even being a woman looking at the situation i still think that the racial "issue" has much farther reaching implications than the sex "issue" when it comes to the differences it could possibly mean in political and moral values.

(political values.... theres an oxymoron)
Lvl 59
I think he probably picked her, at least in part, due to her gender. I know there are a couple people in my family that were very pro-Hillary but vehemently anti-Obama. I really didn't get that, because Hillary and Obama were a lot closer in ideology than either of them are with McCain, so I can't help but think it has something to do with the gender issue. I'd like to think that people are bigger than that and make informed political decisions based on the issues, but I'm not that naive.
The amount of shit you people talk is incomprehensible
Lvl 16
Brutal honesty on the issue is that while I think it was a decent choice (there are better), it will do very little for McCain. In the end, people vote for President, not VP. Just as Biden is only a good choice for those trying to find something they can use to argue against those who question Obama's foreign policy, Palin will only give something to those who are trying to argue against the whole "white male" thing against McCain. Biden and Palin may sway a few moderates who were already leaning in one direction or the other, but neither is going to excite someone into voting for Obama or McCain if they are opposed to either candidates issue on their primary issues.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by cooper9

The amount of shit you people talk is incomprehensible

What does incomprehensible mean?
Lvl 3
Originally posted by cooper9

What are your thoughts?

To be completely honest I think that the republican party is trying to do something smart by trying to take alot of the Hilary supporters over to the republican side just because she's a strong woman. But I think what they are hoping alot of those women don't see is just how opposite of the spectrum Palin is from Hilary. Both are strong women but Hilary is a radical left winger and Palin is a radical right winger. She believes in everything the typical left winger probably doesn't. Plus she's all about pro-life and drilling in the US which were some pretty big "no-no's" in Hilary's campaign. Something else that may hurt the republicans is that Palin has very weak or absolutely no foreign policy, which is something that we desperately need. But as far as her leadership skills, I'm not quite sure about. I need to read up on her more to see if I think she can preform great in other areas to make up for the areas in which she lacks.

I also think that the republican party needs to start looking at Palin as their new Presidential nominee because I'm not sure how much longer McCain will be around. It's a very scary thing when you think about that because she's very unknown to everyone. Although on the other side, who knows. She may do an amazing job considering her approval rating in Alaska is through the roof. So basically I haven't formed a complete opinion yet because I don't know alot about her. Either way I'm voting for Obama because I think Obama and Biden have a better chance of taking us out of this hell hole we call our economy. I just haven't figured out whether to think that Palin being the vice president has hurt or helped the chances of a democratic president.
Lvl 6
Did 8 years of Bill Clinton give you health care....??? (He's a democrat.)
Did 4 yrs of Jimmy carter giver you health care.....?? (a democrat also.)

Do you expect Mr Obama to do that?
Lvl 11
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