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Married or Single

Starter: zoesmith Posted: 16 years ago Views: 5.9K
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Lvl 6
Married, and she does not know. Though I do not think she cares. She'd only be interested if she knew.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by BigNookiE

Sorry dude...she likes only latin men........"latino" a Single Colombian....make ur own conclusion...

Lvl 6
Not married, but have a girlfriend, she doesn't mind me surfing and looking at this stuff.
Lvl 24
yeah some women are just fucking weird about porn

i love porn, i dont mind myself looking at it at all. i encourage myself to look at it regularly.. in case anyone was wondering.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

yeah some women are just fucking weird about porn

i love porn, i dont mind myself looking at it at all. i encourage myself to look at it regularly.. in case anyone was wondering.

If only all women had your attitude.
Lvl 7
engaged...he's here too, and strangley i think i'm on here more than he is (undersiege24)
Lvl 14
Originally posted by Demonicmale

And she is sitting next to me while I post this

And i bet thats the only reason your talking so nice about her
Lvl 13
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

yeah some women are just fucking weird about porn

i love porn, i dont mind myself looking at it at all. i encourage myself to look at it regularly.. in case anyone was wondering.

Hear, hear!
Lvl 17
Married? Married? What are you talking about married? I just hope to get a date. Married? Heh *does his best Jim Mora impression*
Lvl 13
Married and my wife knows im here more than with her - I think she prefers it that way!!!!!
Lvl 12
Well I forgot to tell you I am now single and playing so does anyone want a date. Zoexx
Lvl 11
^well, i like my women older but, well, 88 yrs of age is too old for me.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

@ swiss - i thought you were happily married or at least you used to seem so... apparently not? :P

Funny thing I thought I was too. Things have happened in the past two weeks that I'm not exactly gonna get into but my perception of marriage and my wife has changed drastically. Which is probably why I'm so bitter about marriage right now cause it's still so fresh in my mind. Really I'm less pissed off today then I was the past few days I've posted. I know I can do way better then her, it's just frustrating cause I thought she was down for me and I got fooled. Shit we've been together off and on for 8 almost 9 years now. It sucks when you start to feel like you've totally wasted that much time.

@Latino: I don't need pity. I need a good escape route.
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Originally posted by Swiss407


Funny thing I thought I was too. Things have happened in the past two weeks that I'm not exactly gonna get into but my perception of marriage and my wife has changed drastically. Which is probably why I'm so bitter about marriage right now cause it's still so fresh in my mind. Really I'm less pissed off today then I was the past few days I've posted. I know I can do way better then her, it's just frustrating cause I thought she was down for me and I got fooled. Shit we've been together off and on for 8 almost 9 years now. It sucks when you start to feel like you've totally wasted that much time.

@Latino: I don't need pity. I need a good escape route.

sorry to hear that mate

a good escape route aye?
give me a few days....ill think of something
Lvl 7
Well Swiss I wasted over 10 years and the only legal way out will make all of her shit and half of yours disappear along with a big chunk of your paycheck!!
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Denney

Well Swiss I wasted over 10 years and the only legal way out will make all of her shit and half of yours disappear along with a big chunk of your paycheck!!

Yep, unfortunately that's true. I never should've did this whole marriage thing. She was a lot better as a girlfriend, and a lot easier to get rid of if necessary too.
Lvl 20
You have to pay the woman when you get divorced over there?
Lvl 27
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum


there should be a WBW singles club

how many women do you think would be in it?

does it count if i'm a ladyboy fefe?
btw: in the profile is only male or female. please add "mixture"?

to answer the question: yes / knows / don't, but no vote allowed
Lvl 18
I'm happily married to a hot girl with a fine ass going on 9 years now. Sometimes we look at the site together and she enjoys porn, though she does think I enjoy it a little too much.

I've been married twice. The first time was for 4 years -- barely living together most of it -- and it was a marriage done wrong. These past 9 years to MrsDorkButt have been excellent though. Marriage done wrong is horrible. Marriage done right is something Shakespeare used to write Sonnets about.

MrsDorkButt and I enjoy it. We also enjoy Fefe's new avatar.

We'd like to see the original picture :-)
Lvl 6
Divorced four years ago. The ex was a walking case-study in what happens when a very, very attractive but emotionally-crippled workaholic/obsessive combines industrial-strength anti-depressants and alcohol and the binge/purge dieting with an unresolved 'I hate Daddy for leaving us, and therefore YOU' when she comes unbalanced/drunk/sleep deprived. Never been hit with so many thrown shoes in my life.

Yeah, that was a fucking brillant call on my part. Two years wasted there, but thank god for pre-nups! And then she got re-married less than three months after our divorce was final- poor bastard! Boo hah hah hah... Needless to say, we have a zero contact policy with that broad.


Been with my live-in GF for about a year and half. She rocks and is my dirty little love monkey. Full access, if you know what I mean.

She doesn't care that I'm messing about with WBW since I'm usually multi-tasking (FARK, Amazon, Limewire, et al.) with all kinds of other shit online, too. Like some other posters before me, this isnt really a topic of conversation. I'll show her some of the more hilarious or fucked up Lounge postings sometimes, but we dont cruise the poon together.
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
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