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Latino gives sex advise

Starter: Watty Posted: 18 years ago Views: 3.0K
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Originally posted by DevilHair[DK
Dr. Latino i need some help...

going to need more than me to help you out, were going to need a whole team of experts..
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 59
Eric's Sex Advise:Have Alot!!!
Lvl 22
Then have some more
Uhm... Yeah.. Uhm..
Lvl 59
No, now you've overdone it. That's too much.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Watty

Ok this is a follow up to Latino's "Do you do it thread" found here...

Basically its just another convo myself and Latino had on MSN that we found pretty funny! If you lot like all this, then we will continue to post more, or if you wanna add your own chats here, please go ahead

If ya dont like it, well... FUCK OFF!

Right then, here goes... Latino ultametly ends up getting my missus to give me some loving

Watty: haa i dumped in ya pillow case too
Watty: just wanted to say hi and bye before i go to sleep mate
[Latino] ass!!!
[Latino] i was going to ask how your collar bone was
Watty: lol but ya aint now?
[Latino] but now im not
[Latino] *sends a text to your phone so the missus sees it...and signs it off as [entergirlsnamehere]*
Watty; oooh no need for that
Watty: i didnt dump in ya missus pillow case
[Latino] damm
Watty: having a good day?
[Latino] yeah so far
[Latino] not working much, so its a good day :P
Watty: good good
Watty: hold on, missus wants me
[Latino] *acts innocent*
Watty: jesus mate, thats fucked up, ya really did it
[Latino] :O
[Latino] bullshit!
Watty: fuck!!!
[Latino] come on you would have saved my number wouldnt ya???
[Latino] and put my name on it
[Latino] she'd know
[Latino] dont make me feel like shit for no reason
Watty: was it working?
[Latino] nearly!!!!!!!!
[Latino] ass
Watty: i know
[Latino] i should send another
[Latino] but worse
Watty: like ya said, i have ya name saved, all ya succeeded in doing is making her think ya have the hots for me

[Latino] thats the plan
Watty: dude!!!
[Latino] and her thinking you got a gay relationship going on online
Watty: mate ya have great hair, but seriously thats as far as id go
[Latino] she wouldn't know that
[Latino] youre lucky i dont have her number
Watty: im changing me phone number
Watty: , im showing her this ya know?
Watty: she wants to know what youre on?
[Latino] tell her its called a chair
[Latino] and its one of those 'adjustable' ones
Watty: mate... ya got the rolled eyes treatment
[Latino] tell her noone does that to me but my wife
Watty: she says we're both gone in the head
Watty: thats a little harsh
[Latino] it is
Watty: i didnt do anything
[Latino] tell her she just needs wattydick
[Latino] sorry
Watty: she's like "what the hell?"
Watty: ooh she's gone
[Latino] im yawning soooo bad now (our inside joke for laughing at work)
Watty: i just asked her if she wants some
Watty: she told me "in your dreams"
[Latino] tell her....'in my dreams you do alot more'
Watty: no
[Latino] do it!!
Watty: oh ok
Watty: ooh... i got "you coming to bed?"
[Latino] ask her if thats an invite or a question
Watty: she told me to stop taking advise from an aussie
[Latino] why?
[Latino] were good
Watty: i dont know
Watty: but im laughing
[Latino] so am i
[Latino] my cheeks hurt
[Latino] and not cause i was spanked earlier
[Latino] but from laughing
Watty: always said you talk through ya arse haa haa
Watty: bum bum!!!
Watty: i thank you
[Latino] well my arse has more to say
[Latino] hard to shut it up
[Latino] it gets violent
Watty: gets violent
[Latino] it rumbles
Watty: what did me dad used to say to me
[Latino] i dont know
[Latino] didnt know your dad
Watty: lol "if i wanted to hear an arse talk, id fart"
[Latino] yeah same
Watty: only when ya missus allows it though huh?
Watty: mate, im in for some loving
Watty: im going
[Latino] thanks for the info
[Latino] tell her you dont deserve it
Watty: like im gonna tell her that
[Latino] and tell her you like fingers up your butt
[Latino] just do it
[Latino] see what she says
Watty: ya getting bizarre now
[Latino] im in the zone
[Latino] dont ruin it
Watty: i dont know what you aussies get upto, but us english are refined
Watty: we put surgical gloves on before theres any talk of fingers up butts
[Latino] kinky
Watty: im going
[Latino] allright mate
[Latino] have fun
[Latino] take it slow
[Latino] dont rush it
[Latino] youll get those fingers up there, just dont force it
Watty: im gonna try out me new glow in the dark condoms
Watty: turn the light off and make light saber noises
[Latino] The DARK SIDE!
[Latino] fuck that be funny
Watty: it would
[Latino] put the fucker on...and start talking like yoda
[Latino] " we have, you with me, yes"
Watty: classic
Watty: feel my force you will
Watty: right fuck off now!
Watty: im going
[Latino] later mate
Watty: cheers mate, catch ya laters... just aslong as she dont tell me shes my father half way through
Watty: laters!
[Latino] later mate!

fuck....watty tells me he is reading this, i read it....and im laughing at myself
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 23
Originally posted by Watty

Watty: i dont know what you aussies get upto, but us english are refined

Eh? Are we?
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 14
ya guys crack me up anytime...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 22
he found it classic!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
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