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language barrier

Starter: twistedsister Posted: 21 years ago Views: 1.1K
Lvl 13
i have received messages from people that struggle with english and see that as a reason not to write either messages of in the forum. don't let that stop you. at least you are trying to speak a second or third or fourth language unlike so many of us english only speakers. we are the ones with a lack of linguistic skills. if you can figure out what i'm saying then i will try to figure out whatever you are saying.
Lvl 15
yea agreed!!

learn by doing

Note: I didnt pvt buxom...
Lvl 16
yup I agree aswell. try to do the best you can, if we don't understand, we'll ask . there's no need not to post if you have a lesser knowledge of english. hell, you can bet I don't speak your language! I speak dutch (motherlanguage), english (second and almost motherlanguage) but my german is bad and french is worse. for the rest, I have no idea what the hell you're talking about .
so do your best! and show us you're active like us

Lvl 17
That's right, there are many people here who don't speak (write) english like their native language, but they are trying to as good as they can! This is a multi-national site with people from all over the europe and US, and english just is the most commonly known (foreign)language in these areas. Peoples' english doesn't have to be so great, we'll understand it even if it's not spelled correctly and so on...

I my self speak finnish as native, english second pretty well, somewhat swedish and a few words of german, it would be impossible for me to communicate with german people with their native language. And I think there aren't so many germans who can talk finnish either

So just fo the best you can like the rest of us
Lvl 15
Point in case I had 6 years of french& 1yr.of russian,however if you don't an opportunity to use them on a somewhat regular basis you lose your ability to do so.I'd be hard pressed to speak either one at all now,no opportunity to use them here in the US,give it your best shot we'll figure it out.
Lvl 14
He Bux,

Great to put that on the forum. In my work I juse a lot of English Words but to write that's a hole differend story. Before i started on this site it was five years atleast that i typ English words. But to try and to do I can make it clear what i wand to say. The grammer sucks but everybody can figure out what i mean.

So everybody try to put it in english there are some great dictonaries on the net.

Lvl 12
As an English major in college, it is disturbing to see how dreadfully the language is used by many of the English-only speakers. For those who speak many other languages, I am impressed with their confident writing in such a confusing, foolish tongue. I think you all do a wonderful job with the language. Keep up the good work!!

Lvl 12
As an English major in college, it is disturbing to see how dreadfully the language is used by many of the English-only speakers. For those who speak many other languages, I am impressed with their confident writing in such a confusing, foolish tongue. I think you all do a wonderful job with the language. Keep up the good work!!

Lvl 12
This is sweet, nice of everyone
Lvl 17
That is true, if U don't use the language you will forget it faster than you'd think!
and what it comes to russian, it's a damn hard language, i also studied it for sometime but just didn't get it! and their own alphabets don't make it any easier...

It's a good thing I can use english here, it helps me a lot to understand and write it better

btw Alana: I downloaded that videoclip of your's, and I have to say that you are beautiful Ever tought of uploading your own pics here?
Lvl 14
wel sed
Lvl 12
I dno't nkow if htis si rtue btu if all hte letrets aer theer thne the uhmna brani wlii pikc up hte wrods anyway.
ha ha
I don't know if that worked, the point is if most of the letters are there the human brain can read it anyway. plus some of us are multi-lingual and can help ;-}
Lvl 17
The human brain can read text with flaus almost perfectly if all the letters are there and the first and last one are in the right place.
Here is quote of an e-mail I received from my gf with text for this matter:

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in
waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht
frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl
mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn
mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef but the wrod as a wlohe.

Pretty need, ha

And some of us here are strong in other languages as well, so don't be afraid to ask for help from someone who's native language is the same as your's
Lvl 17
Actually my 5th
Lvl 12
i agree with u man good shit
Lvl 17
wit_mht , omg thats awesome never really thought of that!!
Lvl 17
Me neither, before I got that mail...

But seems to work like it says in there

The human brains never seems to stop surprising me in these odd little capabilities...