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Its FeFes Big Tits Birthday today!!! [pics included]

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 7.5K
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Lvl 6
Happy Birthday FeFe........hope you have an awesome day
Lvl 13
Happy B-Day FeFe !!!! Party your ass off !!
Lvl 12
happy hatching day.
Happy birthday Fefers. There's a little present waiting for you under your desk.

Happy birthday Ash I hope you had a nice day (k)
Lvl 28
happy birthday FeFe !!!!
Lvl 7
Happy birthday fefe you gorgeous young woman!! Here is wishing you lots of orgasmic birthday sex!
Lvl 8
Happy Birthday FeFe, try not to misbehave too badly
Happy B Day!
Lvl 9
it's getting near the end of your big day... hope you had fun. Enjoy your feisty posts alot... you're pretty savvy for one so young (24 ? ). Happy B'Day !!
Lvl 10
Happy Birthday Sexy!

I don't have a pic for you but I do have a hug for you.
I hope this was the best one yet for you!
Lvl 13
well fefe i did not know if i could get back today from DC to wish you a happy birthday so i did and happybirthday you sex pot
Lvl 28
Looks like I made it home just in time. :P

Happy birthday hon. Here's to hoping that it's sexcellent.

Lvl 9
I suppose the idea is to keep bugging her for n00ds, and she'll eventually crack and make some bad decisions...
I'm all for this... Where's the Boobies???

Happy Birthday Fefe!
Lvl 16
Happy Birthday Fefe, hope you did something fun...
Lvl 10
Happy Birthday FeFe, It is time for me to stop celebrating them
Lvl 12
*grabs a chair and sum popcorn waits for the Spoon beating to Progresss* Later then never fefe happy birthday lol...wait how old r u again?
Lvl 28
This thread is useless, it's been days since her birthday..jeeze..

Oh yeah, Happy Birthday..I was going to post here like a lameass with a plain old (happy birthday)...but I decided to make a spectacular gift..which I then PM'd her..

...She masturbated furiously I'm sure.

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