Originally posted by Latino
And that's when destiny breaths it's last breath
then everyones destiny is the same, we are all going to end up dead
I've been a practicing budhist for many years and here are some of my thoughts...
the toughest thing that I and many people (I believe) stuggle with is the idea of attachment...
What I mean by that is the way people cling to ideas about themselves.
These can be as simple as "I am fat" or "gay" or "rich"
or as complex as the totality of self such as "I am Jolly" and the whole class of thoughs, images,personal beliefs, ect, that are entailed by that ideal.
The way I see this as related to destiny follows in this way...
When a person becomes too attached to the ideas and ideals that mke up who they think they are or who they think have to be, then the idea of a particular "destiny" will start to solidify around that person and they will be trapped in themselves; sort of like a self designed and imposed prison.
As for everybody's destiny untimately being the same (ie death) that is certainly true. A friend of mine who is a Zen Budhist put it to me in a particularly pleasing way.
Life is not a science but an art.
His example was that of poetry ;
Most forms of poetry have very specific rules about sylables and number of lines, ect.
The form is ridgid , but how you express yourself in that framework is how you can create beauty and meaning.
So life may have a a seemingly ridgid stucture ; Birth, school,work, death . It seems to me that there is an amazing amount of potential for growth,creativity and beauty within that framework.
The poemm my friend wrote me as an example was a hiaku;
Fine Bloom Fiercely Spread
Combed By Rude Bee's Spiney Leg
Petals Fades, Seed Falls
So for me , the question I ask myself is, "am I an Artist or just a hack"
(I will be surprised if anyone but latino reads this whole thing)
* This post has been modified
: 18 years ago