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I think I broke my SPAM.

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 13 years ago Views: 19.7K
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Lvl 27
I reserve that for other things
Lvl 22
Now I'm thinking .....
Lvl 27
Originally posted by Notech

Now I'm thinking .....

And in the words of my boys "oh crap"

Lvl 22

jamie sucks too! Were is skywalker?
Lvl 59
I hate dumbass captchas.

Lvl 27
I love those EL, its like a new language thats yet to be discovered...
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Sugarpie

I'm not sure what fera means, but I'm guessing its not good.

Its kinda like how I never understood why you Aussies laugh when you see us Canadians in Roots t-shirts. Only I get that one now.

When was the last eye exam SP?

This is what I see
Originally posted by Latino
she is feral!!!

(even I could see that it was feral !!! )
Lvl 22
now I'm picking at everything ^^^

(this logged out thing makes me mad)
Meh...rooftop sex...that's so last year.

@ Notech it looked like a ! not a l.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Meh...rooftop sex...that's so last year.

Damn I missed that memo, all I did was to do it in the driveway, on the back porch, in the dining room, in my truck, going down the stairs to my garage...

I'm sure I missed a place or two, but I know I missed the roof
Lvl 22
Just sayin' perhaps
The driveway? Doesn't that lead to road rash?
Lvl 22
Then I will be back if jamie don't fail me again.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by Sugarpie

The driveway? Doesn't that lead to road rash?

Can't say I remember it leading there, but then, I don't remember much from that night
I'm sure the neighbors remember, you should ask them.

Notech, what's going on? You seem to be having issues tonight.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by Sugarpie

I'm sure the neighbors remember, you should ask them.

I should, but I doubt they were awake at 3 in the morning
Lvl 27
Notech IS an Issue!
Think again...all that noise woke them up. Lol
Originally posted by 911Porsche

Notech IS an Issue! kidding.
Lvl 59
joebillybob finds this awesome.
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