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I Apologize To The Internet, It Accepts.

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 13 years ago Views: 3.0K
Lvl 28

It has been a rocky relationship between the internet and I. Some of the best times of my life and some of the worst. I've seen things, done things...I can't ever really come back from. I decided the internet was done using me, turning me out like a sexy, hilarious whore. I walked away from the internet..into a scary new world, filled with "real life" at first it was like walking outside into a blindingly sunny day, after spending a few weeks in a basement.

Note: It was exactly like that. Only without the gay bro and thick chick.

I met people, and conversed using my was a brave new world, but...the real world accepted me, and made me one of its own. After awhile the internet stopped calling, and I stopped calling it. Our relationship had ended. Sometimes I would use it for sex, but....the internet knew what it was.

I would sometimes think about my old friend, the internet...what it was doing, what was going on with it. I would see clips of it on TV..mostly Tosh.0..and I could see it was holding up well without me, still funny..still sexy, just like always. Most of my days were filled with real life problems and situations, human contact...nothing special, and over time...I started to miss it. I longed for the times we had kept each other company long into the nights, the games we played..experiences we shared...the things it would teach me.

Note: It would teach me how to find free porn. Hint: Everywhere.

So, I decided last week, it's time's time to see if the internet still wants your broke..sad, beaten-down-by-life, sorry ass back.

The internet played it coy at first..brushing me off a little. I would get connection errors pretty regular, it wouldn't even let me think about visiting youtube or anything of the such. But I used my charm...and, well..I apologized to the internet....and it accepted, in the form of Kat Dennings tits:

All the good times washed away the bad...and I remembered just what I had always seen in the internet...awesome things I probably wouldn't experience anywhere else.

Thank you internet...lets never fight again.
* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
I came.
Lvl 59
I miss threads like these.

You hear that? The internet misses you too!
Lvl 28
Man, I thought she would be a little chubbier than she's kinda a pleasant surprise.
Lvl 59
I gotta say though, the face is, and always has been, kind of meh.
Lvl 40
Welcome back to the internet !! (beer)
Lvl 27
Welcome back to the interweb, I hope the two of you live happily ever after
Lvl 28
I went from normal internet, to pron internet, to asshole of the internet...which ironically wasn't much different from pron internet, to gamers/nerd internet. It's been a wild crazy ride, but there will always be a special place in my heard for pron internet.
Lvl 37
Just another...

good to see you and the internet patched things up...

the internet still hates me, and keeps rejecting my attempts at friendship...
luckily, the pron still is always, the internets slutty side..
Lvl 22
I was thinking of something all witty and such,,,,

I Notech.
Lvl 7
Wow... I really enjoyed reading the opening post. How profound...
Lvl 28
Glad you chaps liked it.
Lvl 6
You are saving Me a lot of work!
Lvl 28
Originally posted by ThreadSaver

You are saving Me a lot of work!

No worries brah..