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I am starting to doubt the paranormal for this reason....

Starter: Jeff613 Posted: 14 years ago Views: 1.8K
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Lvl 14
Okay, I am a believer in the paranormal and all, though I think about 80% of it at least is pure BS. But here's why I am starting to believe in even less of it in this age; EVERYONE has a digital camera or cell cam on them at just about all times, so why are we not seeing more UFOs, monsters, inanimate objects moving on their own, etc? It's pore logic that we would.

I'm listening to some guy blathering away on Art Bell's radio show right now saying he and his team have seen genuine crop circles being made by aliens, yet there is some kind of energy surrounding the circles that coincidentally causes all camera batteries to go dead. Come....the fuck....on.
Lvl 19
Just wanna nitpick one point:
George Noory is no Art Bell!
Lvl 18
im an alien from the planet neptar ...........jeff is our leader he tells us to drink energy drinks and peep into little old ladies bedrooms
Lvl 7
the truth is out there, somewhere................................

I want to believe..................
Lvl 24
I agree, it is pore logic.
Lvl 12
Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence old boy

Lvl 28
Originally posted by Bangledesh

I agree, it is pore logic.

I lol'd.

Also, meh, I can't see the universe being as big as it is, and not having something in it somewhere other than us. I'm glad aliens haven't showed up yet, because it's just a matter of time before an alien rape, and then intergalactic war, and I've just barely got the phasers working on the USS HondaKickass.

(Phasers = squirt guns filled with urine)
Lvl 14
I do believe in aliens and all that, but why are we not seeing more of them and their ships with all these cameras al over the fucking place? I'm not saying they;re never captured on film, but we should be seeing more of them as such and we're not.

Let's think about what we've done to every civilization that was less evolved than ours....we move in, steal the resources and either enslave or kill the inhabitants either directly or by arming them against each other. The British having been global masters of this. Why would we expect any less from a visiting superior alien race?

But what if we were visited by aliens who were less advanced than us? They may not necessarily be more advanced than we are. Why do we always assume they would be? What if they were from a world that had purposely limited the scope of it's technology? What if our ability to feel emotions was something which gave us a huge edge over them in terms of overall superiority? We''ve invented some pretty amazing things on accident, what if they're actually pretty dumb but managed to stumble upon interstellar space travel? The guy who first discovered and described DNA credits an offhand LSD trip with his discovery after all.
Lvl 28
Maybe the aliens aren't total assholes?

Or maybe they know that the only thing we would do in the event of an invasion is nuke the planet to pieces, leaving it's resources useless anyway.

....Also, I don't really believe aliens are buzzing around the planet all the fucking time either, a lot of that UFO shit just seems to lame to me. I mean, if I were at a party, and anyone mentioned they had been abducted by aliens, I would move away from them instantly. You can't really rule out other life in the universe, but I have to believe even if they were advanced enough to make it here, they would have better shit to do than monitor and abduct our people, being sure to only select the ones that already look like retards and or crackheads.

Also, I don't really believe in ghosts or any of that shit.

Imagine how funny it would be if Patrick Swayze is a ghost now.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Jeff613

Why would we expect any less from a visiting superior alien race?

Because it's generally thought that magnanimity is inherently tied to vastly superior intelligence.

Of course, that's not necessarily true, but it's the common assumption...

Originally posted by blabbermouth

But what if we were visited by aliens who were less advanced than us? They may not necessarily be more advanced than we are. Why do we always assume they would be? What if they were from a world that had purposely limited the scope of it's technology? What if our ability to feel emotions was something which gave us a huge edge over them in terms of overall superiority? We''ve invented some pretty amazing things on accident, what if they're actually pretty dumb but managed to stumble upon interstellar space travel? The guy who first discovered and described DNA credits an offhand LSD trip with his discovery after all.

Are you kidding me?

Yeah, it's likely that foreign beings with the ability to travel millions upon millions of miles through space, search out and find a tiny planet with some semi-intelligent life on it, make contact with them, and accidentally get crushed by us? I mean, really? Do you have any idea of the amount of technical knowledge required for space travel? The logistics of it ridiculous.

And you honestly think our emotions give us an edge over some vastly superior alien race? If anything, our emotions disable us from making the best choices and generally continually cloud our judgment. They're a hindrance to the scientific mind and would in no way allow us to assert dominance over this stupid alien invasion.

And finally, did you write the movie "Signs?" Because, it seems to me that only someone stupid enough to think that aliens, capable of interstellar travel (putting the word "space" in there is redundant), who happen to die when coming in contact with water, land on a ball that is 70% covered in the stuff inhabited by people who are 70-90% water. That'd be like us landing on some planet with oceans of and people made of cyanide, saying, "Meh, seems ok"
Lvl 28
I wanna fuck a green chick.

Painting women green just isn't doing it for me anymore.
Lvl 4
you think the paranormal is believable try to believe them guys over at they just might take your side on this one.... they just might... you will get turned off. it's a movement for skeptics.
Lvl 22

Aliens/Ghosts or lack of, is simply because there are no aliens or ghosts ....... Americans

Lvl 18
I've never believed any of that bullshit. I deal strictly with logic and if there's no logic to back it up then I don't even flounder about it, it's pure bullshit. Aliens, ghosts, bigfoots, sea monsters, all bullshit, all explainable.

But you make a great point about cameras being readily available. Since the invention of the digital camera and cell cameras look at how MASSIVELY the amount of amateur porn has EXPLODED. There is billions of pictures of peoples wives and girlfriends specifically because of the readily available cameras.

Also look at the ridiculous amounts of "funny" blooper vids that come out now, since everyone has a camera on them at all times it's pretty easy to catch the guy flying over his handlebars into traffic so there's a new vid out every couple hours.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by EricLindros


Because it's generally thought that magnanimity is inherently tied to vastly superior intelligence.

Of course, that's not necessarily true, but it's the common assumption...


Are you kidding me?

Yeah, it's likely that foreign beings with the ability to travel millions upon millions of miles through space, search out and find a tiny planet with some semi-intelligent life on it, make contact with them, and accidentally get crushed by us? I mean, really? Do you have any idea of the amount of technical knowledge required for space travel? The logistics of it ridiculous.

And you honestly think our emotions give us an edge over some vastly superior alien race? If anything, our emotions disable us from making the best choices and generally continually cloud our judgment. They're a hindrance to the scientific mind and would in no way allow us to assert dominance over this stupid alien invasion.

And finally, did you write the movie "Signs?" Because, it seems to me that only someone stupid enough to think that aliens, capable of interstellar travel (putting the word "space" in there is redundant), who happen to die when coming in contact with water, land on a ball that is 70% covered in the stuff inhabited by people who are 70-90% water. That'd be like us landing on some planet with oceans of and people made of cyanide, saying, "Meh, seems ok"

Next time give him the courtesy call of head or gut.

Note to self, must stop underestimating the stupidity of people generally.
Lvl 26
Originally posted by J-Swiss

I've never believed any of that bullshit. I deal strictly with logic and if there's no logic to back it up then I don't even flounder about it, it's pure bullshit. Aliens, ghosts, bigfoots, sea monsters, all bullshit, all explainable.

I absolutely agree with you on that one. I have to see it to believe it. Which is why I can't grasp the whole higher power theory either because there's no logic behind religion, yet that seems to run our entire planet.

Oh shit before this turns into a religion arguement I just want to say that I'm sure there's plenty of people out there who see logic in it but that's really not logic, it's faith. I can have faith in aliens coming to our planet to save us all and call that religion to.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Tomsk

Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence old boy

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at the videos.

Absence of evidence most certainly is evidence to the contrary.

PS: at those videos. Shows how easy it is to lure people into a mindset.
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Jeff613

Okay, I am a believer in the paranormal and all, though I think about 80% of it at least is pure BS. But here's why I am starting to believe in even less of it in this age; EVERYONE has a digital camera or cell cam on them at just about all times, so why are we not seeing more UFOs, monsters, inanimate objects moving on their own, etc? It's pore logic that we would.

I'm listening to some guy blathering away on Art Bell's radio show right now saying he and his team have seen genuine crop circles being made by aliens, yet there is some kind of energy surrounding the circles that coincidentally causes all camera batteries to go dead. Come....the fuck....on.

Me thinks you need to quit watching so many of the "educational" channels.

(you got to experience it Yourself to judge)
Lvl 3
seems as if someone was watching the show UFO hunters

my take on it is 2 different things, the general population are zombies who go through their life without paying attention to whats going on even when they are driving, nevermind whats in the sky!!

the second thing, if there is ufo's in the sky wouldnt they have cloaking devices? and in the USA most of the reports are totally ignored by the government, you have to really look at mexico or overseas for the new reports
Lvl 5
Originally posted by Tomsk

Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence old boy

Absolutely correct... Absence of evidence is nothing but ABSENCE OF EVIDENCE.
Evidence of absence is provided by the lack of presence.
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