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How Superficial Are You?

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 12 years ago Views: 3.4K
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Lvl 59

How Superficial Are You?

  • Average - I like stuff, but don't go crazy

    47.06% (24)

  • Very - Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous

    33.33% (17)

  • Little - Cheap living is best living

    17.65% (9)

  • None - I live in a hovel in the woods off the grid

    1.96% (1)

Votes: 51

I ask this not necessarily in the sexual sense, but in the materialistic sense - although there's likely a lot of overlap there.

We're all superficial to some extent or the other, because that's kind of the nature of visual creatures and because we've lived in societies which have highly advanced advertising industries which exploit our desires for the newest shiny doodad.

I wonder this because over the years I've seen the types of things people talk about, and it makes me curious as to how much we would self-identify with being I've broken it down into 4 categories.

1. Very Superficial - You basically like all the best of everything. If money was no object you'd buy custom tailored clothes, drive the most luxurious/fast car you could find, and would live in the Penthouse so you could look down upon all the little people - whom you stomp on. Opulence - you has it.

2. Average - You like nice shit, but it's stupid to basically light money on fire for things that are only marginally better than something you could have for much less. You don't need a BMW 5 series when a Toyota Corolla will do, you know? Or, I can get a nice suit at Men's Factory rather than at some fancy-pants expensive place. You like a nice glass of wine/champagne, but there's no need for dropping hundreds of dollars on a bottle. Nice things are good to have, but you don't need to be bawdy about it. You might be the Jones' next door.

3. A little superficial - You don't really want to have all that expensive crap. Sure, living in a modern society means that you need to have access to things like the internet, so you have a computer and cell phone, but they're old, and there's really no need to buy the biggest and bestest new versions. You might have a car (or not, if you live in the city), but you try not to use it, and would rather use public transportation or your bike or soemthing if possible. To you, clothes are just for covering up your body and keeping warm - no need to spend all kinds of money just to be flashy about it. You might enjoy Burning Man.

4. Not at all superficial - You really think materialism is a joke. Humans were meant to live in communes, to live by the land, and not to excess. You prefer nature to advanced modern civilization, and live your life as such. To you, people who camp are just posers - real people live in the wild. The modern, fast paced, electrified, consumerist world is an abomination to you. And those wannabe Burning-Man attending hipsters who pretend to like the wilderness on the weekend, only to return to their cubicle and iMac for the other 5 days a week are posers too. You might be Ted Taczynski.

Obviously, I'm categorizing those things a little roughly, so if you want to take issue with any of them, or think you fall between a couple, tell us where below.
Lvl 59
I chose "Very Superficial."

Why? Because fuck all you, is why.

Also, because I'm being honest.
Lvl 32
I chose "A little superficial"

I drive an 2004 hyundai elantra that I hope to drive for the next 10+ years

My clothes, other than work attire, probably hasn't been thoroughly updated in over 5 years

My computer is like two steps above a commodore 64

I don't want / have an Ipad, smart phone or any other high priced worthless gadget
Lvl 19
Very superficial, thank you !

Confession...since this is a porn site, this was, at first glance, "super facial"....ew ! Thankfully we are onto something more substantative like the superficiality of BMWs . For which I have little to no desire for. Wish you had a category for we reverse snobs who, while we like the very best things in life, are unwilling to pony up for crap that has absolutely zero value added because of it's ubiquity. E.G. the BMW. Thick as puke among my otherwise poor students, you could walk from one side of the parking lot to the other using only beemers as stepping stones.

Wish you had tried this with a finer tooth comb, but thanks for the poll EL.

Lvl 4
I'm average
Lvl 59
Originally posted by F1098

Very superficial, thank you !

Confession...since this is a porn site, this was, at first glance, "super facial"....ew ! Thankfully we are onto something more substantative like the superficiality of BMWs . For which I have little to no desire for. Wish you had a category for we reverse snobs who, while we like the very best things in life, are unwilling to pony up for crap that has absolutely zero value added because of it's ubiquity. E.G. the BMW. Thick as puke among my otherwise poor students, you could walk from one side of the parking lot to the other using only beemers as stepping stones.

Wish you had tried this with a finer tooth comb, but thanks for the poll EL.


I understand, but I tend to see all of these types of distinctions as more of a continuum rather than a few specific choices. Continua, however, don't translate well to poll questions.

Thus, I drew some rather broad strokes and hoped the reply section would suffice to iron out the differences.
Lvl 8
I'm a little superficial (average)
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Deucie

I'm a little superficial (average)

You know those are two different options, right?

A little superficial is less than average superficial with respect to my poll.
Lvl 22
i live in a rathole and to hell with everyone else.

The key for me deciding were the words "if money was no object" in Very Superficial. I think if given that circumstance most of us would be very superficial. As it stands in real life where money is an object, I'd say I'm average.
Lvl 14
Im boarder line average and very. If I were to hit the lottery I would have a lot more shiney doodads especially electronics (computers and such). But I also dont want to just burn money either. But instead of looking down on everyone I like to splurge on others and have fun. So if anyone knows next weeks winning Lotto numbers and can guarantee me the win and if not pay me what i would have won, I will take us all out on the town afterwards lol.
Lvl 8
I'm fairly superficial, I am afraid that I am a sucker for the finer things in life (even though I know it is ultimatley a stupid pursuit), I am very lucky in that my profession affords me enough disposable income to have tailor made suits and a nice house and car.

But I do not look down on anyone at all, I see everyone as an equal as everyone is capable of making the most of their life and getting what they want as long as they are willing to work for it.

I never spend for the sake of spending, I only buy stuff that I need though.
Lvl 27
#3 I do believe...

I refuse to buy pretty much anything when it first comes out when I know the price will come down in a year or so. I don't go shopping for clothes very often, and when I do it's out of necessity and not just the desire for new stuff.

And the one I know will clinch my answer, I've had the same pair of dress em up sneakers for 7 years, they are falling apart and I just don't care, I'm not trying to impress anyone by the style of my damn shoes
Don't make me go all your-shoes-are-awful-so I'm-dumping-you, on you.

Of course we're not dating, and I don't know if you were then ALL THE FUCKING TIME or not.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Don't make me go all your-shoes-are-awful-so I'm-dumping-you, on you.

Of course we're not dating, and I don't know if you were then ALL THE FUCKING TIME or not.

I knew you'd go all. I can't believe your shoes on me

But ya, if I'm not working those are the shoes I wear
I'd have to see them to decide if they (other than your penis) were a deal breaker...but I'm assuming it would be a no go.

At least you acknowledge they're grungy.
Lvl 27
I'm not grungy, I bathe regularly and wash my clothes on a regular basis

I just don't really give a crap about shoes
Lvl 27
And don't forget the stitching in a couple of the seems is non-existent
very superficial...i want and like the best of whatever it is. If i can afford it, i buy it...cause i want it.
Lvl 22
I live the cheapest means possible, but not because i don't have the money, i just prefer the "if i don't have the cash for it i don't need it". Currently i have 1 credit card which i just pay the monthly fee on and haven't used in um 3 years. Credit is evil! And mainly what's wrong with the worlds economy.
I would prefer to leave my wife and kids something other than bills when i die...
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