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How much porn can you watch simultaneously...

Starter: Barebone<3u2 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 2.9K
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Lvl 14
Originally posted by Kanzen


One would have to be a bit anal to actually know that!!

Nah, I just checked system's activity monitor while I had the video playing to get the number, outside of that is just basic math.

100 / 0.8 = 125

Anyways, anyone want to donate to the "Get Kanzen two 30" monitors so he can try to watch 125 videos at the same time" fund?

suppose that rendering that many overlays and decoding that many video's isn't a problem, with GPU-acceleration or quad core cpu and multithreaded codecs by example (i understand you run quad), your harddrive throughput rate or tranfer speed is going to be the limit.

taking 100KB/s (wich is low for good pr0n , let alone 720p x264 or xvid) * 125 = 122 MB/second minimal continuous throughput, wich only a Really Decent 10Krpm/15Krpm raid array can provide. 2x WD Raptor in raid 0 isn't sufficient.

if you have that array, i take back what i said.

I have a RAID 0 [256K] going with 4 drives. I can easily exceed 190MB/s on uncached read (according to Xbench).

* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 19
How big is Kanzen's virtual penis nowadays? Anyone kept a record?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Ascaris

How big is Kanzen's virtual penis nowadays? Anyone kept a record?

Imagine how big it would be if I had an Octo-core Mac Pro.

2 x Quadcore 3.0GHz Xeons.
4 x 150GB Raptor WDs.
ATI Radeon 2800XT HD (or whatever they call it now).
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Are we talking computer overload or mental overload?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 13
Originally posted by robodick

Used to rake in 3-4 each time. But now I hardly watch any more. My wife is so sizzingly sexy, she's all I want or desire!

hey, i have to agree with robodick's stated sentement, why look at anything else when you have the hottest thing ever in your life
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 29
Originally posted by nerdboy

Used to rake in 3-4 each time. But now I hardly watch any more. My wife is so sizzingly sexy, she's all I want or desire!

hey, i have to agree with robodick's stated sentement, why look at anything else when you have the hottest thing ever in your life

He still hasn't shown us anything even remotely resembling proof, so it's probably just bullshit.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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