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how do you smoke

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 18 years ago Views: 3.1K
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  • bong

    26.88% (25)

  • rolling papers

    26.88% (25)

  • pipe

    22.58% (21)

  • other (explain)

    10.75% (10)

  • hollowed out cigar

    6.45% (6)

  • blunt wraps

    6.45% (6)

Votes: 93
how do you smoke your greens? i am pretty new to smoking, and was looking for some ideas, tips et cetera. i've been getting cigars and hollowing them out and smoking that way, but it seems like a bit of tobacco gets stuck in the end so i feel like i am inhaling cigar tobacco and hacking up a storm.

* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8
It's all about bongs. They take you to a way better high than a pipe or blunt can get you too.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
what is with this whole 'style' of smoking. just roll the fraggin' joint and get on with it.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
::rates topic a -3::
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 20
Learn to make hash and you'll be a lot happier, but I still smoke weed too and ya gotta use blunts. There are only a few really good ones but they have different techniques for rollin em...

1) Vanilla Dutch Masters

2) Optimo Sports (Green Leaf)

3) White Owls in either Peach, Watermelon or Grape

Bongs and pipes are ok but they're worthless for traveling or smoking on the go. They're also a pain in the ass while smoking with large groups of people cause you gotta pack a new bowl every few times it gets passed. I only use them if I'm smoking by myself and it's krip. Whatever you do don't use rolling papers. The papers burn way faster and waste a shitload of weed, ya don't get half the smoke you should out of them and they've been outdated for forever. This isn't the 70's and the rolling paper is dead because it was never a good option to begin with, only old timers and people who are new to smoking still use em cause they just don't realize how much they suck compared to any other smoking options.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 9

most of the time i mix it with normal cigarette tabacco and roll it with Smoking kingsize slim papers, i also roll a little filter out of heavier paper so i don't get tabacco in my mouth you can also do that with your cigars.
As it seams you smoke only pure, for that a blunt (rolled with big tabacco leaf) tastes the best but if you never smoked before i would recommend a pipe. If you have enough laying around you can also smoke it with a shisha, that's my favorite it gets you high differently, hard to describe but definatly worth a try.
Also pretty funny and good tasting is a tulip

hope i could help,


Edit: the Url was just a search for tulip joint on google so you know what i'm talking about.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 29
Joints usually. But I have a bong too. Smoke a blunt with the dude I get my weed from once in a while. But that strikes me as kind of wiggery.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 23

And BigJ, if you're going to smoke blunts, instead of hollowing out the cigar you need to slice it down the side and empty out the tobacco that way then re-roll it. Hollowing is such a pain in the ass. Make sure to get fatter style cigars for this. Blunt sized cigars are good for this(hence the term "blunt"
The only time I smoke them is if someone else has one. I generally stay away from blunts cuz tobacco

If I'm on the go I prefer to use a pipe.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 25
I don't, I prefer my lungs fully functional.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 7
although i am a sigarette supplier... i dont smoke.

I just dont wanna pay for hurting myself.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Originally posted by HighGuy

And BigJ, if you're going to smoke blunts, instead of hollowing out the cigar you need to slice it down the side and empty out the tobacco that way then re-roll it. Hollowing is such a pain in the ass. Make sure to get fatter style cigars for this. Blunt sized cigars are good for this(hence the term "blunt"
The only time I smoke them is if someone else has one. I generally stay away from blunts cuz tobacco

If I'm on the go I prefer to use a pipe.

i have used a pipe, enjoy it, the type of cigar i used had the little plastic tip at the end, that way i could smoke the whole thing without wasting it
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 10
I smoke it every way I can.

Usually I use king size rolling paper
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 21
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
Use Smoking gold. But they know nothing Dr macabre. hup holland hup
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 14
My favourite always used to be the Gravity Bong because you are usually mindless after about 5 mintues

But now I've had to move onto the vapourizer in recent years since my throat is so fucked from all the G-Bongs!

I'm not much of a fan of joints & blunts since they take quite a while to roll, use a lot of greenary and wastes smoke since it keeps burning while you already have a lungful
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 9
Glass pipes or Bubblers

I think it depends a lot on what you are looking to accomplish. Using the bong for a Wake-n-Bake before work is a bit much for me. Gives you a much more intense high than a good old pipe does. Probably the size of the hit. But if I'm going to sit around and play some games with some friends, a bong is great.

A bubbler/water pipe is kind of a cross between the two. They are always nice.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 29
i used had the little plastic tip at the end, that way i could smoke the whole thing without wasting it

* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 15
When smokin blunts me and my mates usually go for the flavoured blunt wraps, they still have the taste of the blunt but not the hassle of having to hollow out a cigar and you can fit alot more into a blunt wrap ...... there are some really nice flavours ..... bit of trial and error and you soon find ones that complement the type of smoke your smoking. Some of my favourite flavours are Cotton Candy , Banana and Hypnotiq. Some hemp stores sell pre rolled and hollowed cigars which are really handy !!

Heres an excellent roll that my mate did , He's this King of rolling blunt wraps -

* Another of my mates purchased a Volvano vapourizer , very good for long term smoking as you arent inhaling smoke , just the THC coz the weed is heated to a temperature high enough to release all the THC chrystals into the bag , but not hot enough to burn it. ( but these are quite pricey $400-500 and he had alot of hassles with customs trying to bring it into the country)

* Bongs are off the chain , 3 footer packed with ice ..... soooooo easy on your lungs , take HUGE Hits.

* Buckies (gravity bongs) are good for when you need to conserve your stash , as it doesnt take much to get you high and there is no wastage bcoz its all sealed.

* Spots are are really quick and easy way to get high when you dont have papers .... roll up into little balls and heat up knives on the stove the hit it straight off the knives ( not really that nice on your lungs )

* Bubblers are really cool too , its like a cross between a pipe and a bong (pipe with a water chamber below the bowl)

* Another alternative to the gravity bong is a 'Lung' .... Cut the bottom off a 2.25 litre Coke bottle get an empty bread bag and tape it onto the bottom of the bottle then using your buckie cap in the same way you would for a gravity bong ......... LOTS of smoke, HEAPS of high

A usual weekend for me and my mates -

If all else fails a joint is ALWAYS good !

Ill try get some more pics this weekend of me and my mates smoking utencils !
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
i dont?
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Dont do drugs!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
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