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Hey, have you done anything nice lately ?

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 11 years ago Views: 1.5K
I've seen this kid (like 26 yr old); so kid to me -2 weeks in a row sitting by the side drive of Winn Dixie - holding up a sign that said "need work, for money or food". Now normaly I don't give 'cause I lead a tough life myself but looking at this kid you could tell it was true. Greasy hair, dirty clothes & skin. Ah so in the store amongst getting what I needed I picked up A large bottle of Gator Aid & a box of store brand Granola bars. Anyway, I drove up to him, flagged him over & gave him the stuff. Man you should have seen this kids eyes - big as saurcers & really happy.
Anyway, Peace.
Lvl 70
I used to give money to homeless but when they aren't part of some kind of traffic made from the pity of people, they use it to buy wine or cigarettes
So instead, sometimes, I give them food if I have some (and when you see someone refusing food and asking for money instead, you kind of loose your kindness).
But I remember telling on time to a guy near a bakery to enter in there with me and pick whatever he wanted or just sitting next to another and just talk to him for a while. The simple things are often the best.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 60
It's tough to tell the legit ones sometimes. I used to have this girlfriend that always wanted to give money to folks like that, only she didn't seem to understand that many of them are full of shit. I'd be like, you realize this guy's sign makes him a liar, right? He's not down on his luck - he's been on this corner for four years. When she saw him with a bottle of hard booze one day, it seemed to click.

At least when you see someone with a sign that says they need money for booze, they aren't liars. I can at least appreciate people who are at least honest.

I frankly don't go out of my way to do nice things for folks. I do so much free volunteer work for various places (special olympics, big brother, salvation army) I figure that covers me.
Lvl 8
Yeah, I always hear about "needing money for the bus" but rarely is that the case since I always see the same dudes at the same spots. There was a dude who came up to me and some friends in downtown Fort Lauderdale who said "I'm gonna tell you guys a joke. If you think it's funny please toss me some change. If not, no problem" He told us the joke which was corny but I lol'd a bit so I gave him a buck. At least dude was trying to earn a buck by entertainment rather than just begging.
Lvl 28
I do nice things all the time.

I'm a great guy with a huge penis.
Lvl 59
I diagnosed a girl over text message with a hernia.

Turns out it was a twisted ovary, but I was close and consider this a great success and a service to all mankind.
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I've been volunteering cleaning up peoples flood damaged houses for the last week.
jenngurl23, Honda_X find this awesome.
Lvl 59
Meh. Anyone can do that.

It takes a special biological mind to wrongly diagnose a person with an ailment via text message.
I'm not sure why, but I have images of the Literal Doctor when you gave your diagnosis.

I give unwanted clothes and household items to charity shops, but that's more to get rid of the crap I don't want anymore....
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Sugarpie
I'm not sure why, but I have images of the Literal Doctor when you gave your diagnosis.


hahah that Dr. is awesome and I want to be him.
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