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Guess The Movie Using The Picture Clues Provided

Starter: webbie1 Posted: 14 years ago Views: 24.8K
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Lvl 28
Die Hard maybe?

I dunno.

Neat thread.
Lvl 9
Originally posted by Honda_X

Die Hard maybe?

I dunno.

Neat thread.

Good guess, you're on the right track. the "die' has a major clue on it

The second picture is a double clue, one obvious, one subtle.

Dub-Style is to this thread what P.I.P is to Punnani's escape thread.
Lvl 5
There's an Asian film (Korean?) called "3 Iron". Clutching at straws here...
Lvl 5
Hah! Brilliant! "13th Warrior". Antonio Banderas. High Camp.
Lvl 9
Great work gufford!

13th Warrior is correct

This one is straght forward because I'm still on my first cup of coffee

Next clue:

Lvl 15
The Wild Bunch ^_^
Lvl 9
Ah, You're back and correct as usual sir!
I had about a dozen or so on tap. It appears I'll be busy coming up with more clues.

Of course you were correct about Mr Banderas as well.

Next clue:

Lvl 15
I only have one guess at this time for this one... doubt it right though... cause I think its considered an indie film... but anyways...

The Crimson Mask
Lvl 5
'Zorro'? Spanish for fox. A Banderas thing going on...
Lvl 15
Originally posted by gufford

'Zorro'? Spanish for fox. A Banderas thing going on...

BAH! I wasnt even think that... forgot thats what is was spanish for!... congrats!

The Mask of Zorro.
Lvl 9
I saved this one to throw you a curve

Mask is correct.

Second clue requires some knowledge of a foreign language.

The animal is the key...
Lvl 9
Shit, you guys got it while I was responding

What's so bad about Banderas.
Lvl 15
Originally posted by webbie1

Shit, you guys got it while I was responding

What's so bad about Banderas.

Nothing at all... In fact one of my favorite actors. By the way, good job with the twist. ^_^
Lvl 9
Next clue:

Lvl 15
The Cowboys - Another John Wayne movie. ^_^ or at least... thats my guess.
Lvl 9
Nope, good guess though. If you weren't so good and I were in a better mood....

I'm thinking more of an individual than a team.
Lvl 15
Lvl 5
Right. No idea about American Football, I'm afraid - but looking at that signature - does it say......


... or is there a film called "Frog" that I've missed?
Lvl 9
Originally posted by gufford

Right. No idea about American Football, I'm afraid - but looking at that signature - does it say......


... or is there a film called "Frog" that I've missed?

Sorry. I forgot the International flavor of WBW

You and Dub-Style are worthy opponents

Troy is correct
Lvl 9
One more and then I'm off to run errands.

This is your manhood test

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