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For You Navy Buffs!

Starter: SydneySinbad Posted: 13 years ago Views: 839
Lvl 30
Just In!!
This video is fresh (for the public). It was made just six weeks ago in the Atlantic, just off Newport News (Hampton Roads), Virginia .
These are the latest sea trials of the F-35B on the USS Wasp. They were very successful, with 74 VL's and STO's in a three week period. The media and the program critics had predicted that we would burn holes in the deck and wash sailors overboard. Neither of which happened. You will notice a sailor standing on the bow of the ship as the jet rotates. That was an intentional part of the sea trials.
The USS Wasp is an amphibious assault ship designed to embark a Marine Expeditionary Unit. It is capable of simultaneously supporting rotary and fixed wing STOVL aircraft and amphibious landing craft operations. For this test deployment the USS Wasp was outfitted with special instrumentation to support and measure the unique operating environment as the F-35B conducted short takeoffs and vertical landings.
No catapult...... No hook ......
The shape and scope of warfare – worldwide – just changed.
Lvl 30
US Navy Station Guam:
Pictures include the sub that ran into an "uncharted seamount". (PPS File)
The first F-35B landed on Wasp‘s flight deck Oct. 3, beginning an 18-day test period for the aircraft. During the testing, two F-35B Marine Corps test jets (BF-2 and BF-4) accomplished vertical landings and short take-offs under various conditions.

While underway, the world’s first supersonic short take-off, vertical landing (STOVL) fighter logged more than 28 hours of flight time and completed 72 short take-offs and 72 vertical landings.
Lvl 3
Oh wow, I remember taking an elementary class field trip aboard the USS Wasp like back in the mid-90's! I remember visiting all the levels too, it was fun. At the time I got a chance to sit in the cockpit of a fighter jet (probably like an F-16 at the time), that ship and jet were so cool! Looking forward to possibly doing maintenance on an F-35 now that I just swore-in to join the Air Force last week! Can't wait to see it up-close someday!
Originally posted by Crabs

Oh wow, I remember taking an elementary class field trip aboard the USS Wasp like back in the mid-90's! I remember visiting all the levels too, it was fun. At the time I got a chance to sit in the cockpit of a fighter jet (probably like an F-16 at the time), that ship and jet were so cool! Looking forward to possibly doing maintenance on an F-35 now that I just swore-in to join the Air Force last week! Can't wait to see it up-close someday!

F/A 18 is closest thing the Navy has that you could confuse with a F-16. Congrats on enlisting, for God & Country - make US proud.