I've recently been playing some old favorite games on various emulators. Does anyone else play with emulators?
Which systems/games do you play?
Not for a hot moment but I used to play them all the time. NES, SNES, Turbo Grafix 16. In fact I had them all, about 18k games on my old mod'd xbox.
Great way to pass the time when not on WBW.
I have a gameboy emulator which will play GB, GBC, GBA games, and SNES emulator which of course does all of the SNES games, and I've been playing with this N64 emulator i just got. I've been playing Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Duke Nukem 64, and i just got perfect dark, which back in the day, what the fucking shit.
It's very nostalgic playing all these old games. :P
If by emulator you mean "penis" and by "play" you mean "try to stick in blu-ray discs"..
..Then, no I haven't.
But I would like too...play old games I mean, how would one do this?
Easy, google "Nes Roms" or whatever system you want. Somewhere with the roms you'll find the emulators that allow you to play said system.
Its funny when you think about how big the old systems were, moreso how big the game cartridges were when now when you d/l them....they are 70k or somesuch.
Games have come a long long way eh?
[Deleted] 16 years ago
I have a PC set up with three emulators. One does Sega, one for Super Nintendo and the other for Mame (arcade games). At one point I had an arcade cabinet set up for Mame but I got bored with it.
Oh, I forgot wgens200 for Sega Genesis games. Play that one often too.
HipsterDufus 16 years ago
That's pretty hardcore screwy. Looks sweet though.
I want to play some Sega NHL 94.
Then screencapture it and have an awesome EricLindros avatar.
I honestly think that without the Sega NHL series the NHL would be like 15% less popular in the US than it is today.
Oh, fuck no.
That's why '94 was better. That was when they introduced those 'specialty' moves. Lindros' was the ability to deliver a check while puckcarrying. That shit was awesome.