Originally posted by spojax
Screw employers...I hated every job I every had working for some dumb ass. I like making my living on my terms being self employed. I don't need to hide or reveal my private life. This is a way to a better life with hard work.
This is just a temporary job while I'm in school. They pay decently well (almost double what you can get on campus) so I kinda wanted it (I have a legit full time job once I graduate that doesn't test and is a very good job).
Originally posted by Bobx
i was hair follicle tested after indulging regularly for about a year and i came up clean and those are supposed to be unbeatable. Drug testing is a new invention and screws up some times but the best thing to do if you want to enjoy freedom to do what you please to your body on your free time and work also is to exercise regularly the THC is stored in fat cells and the only real way to get it out of your system is to sweat it out or burn off the fat
well, if the lab guys screw up that happens, if they up to snuff the can tell you the places where you been living for bit long than a few weeks, and thc they will pick up for sure!

and that stuff the sell on the net to "clean you up" is just a wast of money big time

Wouldn't how long your hair was make a huge impact on how far back they can test? I'd say the 6 months is for the average guy's hair, I've heard YEARS for some girls. But for me

I doubt it'd be more than the urine test, I like to keep my hairs high and tight (just like me!

Anyways, I just figured I'd give this product a shot, and if it works, then great I'll pass the info onto you guys. Just so you know, as a point of reference, I'd say I'm smoked AT LEAST 1 joint a day (1 on most weekdays, sometimes 2) since about the beginning of September, so that's 4 months of smoking every day. If this works, great I get a job and you guys find out if the product works for future reference. If it doesn't, well I just need to find a new temp job and we still need to do some more "research".
Thanks for your comments, some people are right marijuana is less harmful than tobacco or alcohol, there's just a stigma associated with it because of some laws.
* This post has been modified
: 18 years ago