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Do you cam?

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 16 years ago Views: 14.8K
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Lvl 28
Had some good laughs, pick it up demo.

Lvl 59
"God forgot about me"

Lvl 14
I did go on and have fun with some of them, but now I'm torn. I was going to get sponsorship for here but more just to support the site than for the porn perks but I've spotted a russian couple that i wouldn't mind seeing in private so the question is what to do?

Get the sponsorship on here even though the forum is not what it used to be activity wise or friendliness wise and hope it gets better or blow it on 10 or 20 mins with a bored looking russian cpl so i can see the female take it hard?
Lvl 14
I stand corrected, enjoying the extra perks!
Lvl 24
Originally posted by 0ghash

I stand corrected, enjoying the extra perks!


I cam quite often on yahoo but only with my "friends".
Lvl 28
Originally posted by AnitaFriend

I cam quite often on yahoo but only with my "friends".

Enjoy the many, many PMs you're about to receive from people.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Honda_X


Enjoy the many, many PMs you're about to receive from people.

*sends PM*
I'm waiting.

Originally posted by Honda_X


Enjoy the many, many PMs you're about to receive from people.
Lvl 28
My PM is just my penis. Enjoy.
Oh you guise.
Lvl 22
I tried to cam once.
Would you help me learn?
Lvl 6
Remember, my children, when camming, stay true to Him.

Lvl 28
"Chech them titties yo" - God
Lvl 11
Originally posted by AnitaFriend

I cam quite often on yahoo but only with my "friends".

You must be new to this thing called "the internet- created by a few horny males, for millions of them".. Good luck
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