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Do older men find older women attractive?

Starter: jenngurl23 Posted: 14 years ago Views: 4.9K
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Lvl 11
(Or any older lesbians than myself feel free to post)

I was just wondering if say, 40 to 60 year old men find 40 to 60 year old women "hot", or if by that point it's pretty much all down to mostly emotional attraction?

I'm only 19, 20 in about a month, and so obviously I find girls my own age to be the most attractive, but I VERY rarely find myself thinking "she's hot" to anyone over around 30 at oldest. =S

Lvl 18
I'm 27 and I find my standards drop but only very slightly as I get older. When I was a teenager to say 23 I only settled for the top shelf girls. I'm still way pickier then 99.9% of the people on this site but I do notice myself being more accepting of certain flaws as I get older. Who knows, when I'm 60 maybe saggy tits won't make me nautious anymore
Lvl 29
Yes, I do!!

Lvl 11
yeah i don't know, im 19 and find girls between 17 and 22 or so to be most attractive for me, and while i can definitely call others girls good looking or pretty or something, what i'd define as "hot" is very rare for me to call someone over maybe 26, and about never over 30 RARELY.
Lvl 18
Oh I think peoples definitions of hot get defined pretty early on and don't change. A lot of guys on here call fat chicks with saggy tits and stretch marks "hot" or "perfect" all the time so it definitely varies by person.

Apparently I got fucked up somehow because I reserve "hot" for the flawless girls.

I think a lot of people base hot on the level of girls they feel they can obtain though. So basically they take the hottest girl they think they'd actually have a chance with and give her a 10 then basically grade all other girls on a curve based on that. Then when they see mega hot girls they try and break them down by saying things like "she's too skinny" or "she looks fake" just to make themselves feel better cause they don't have any self esteem to approach them or maybe cause the hot girls in high school didn't pay them any attention.

See Jenn you're pretty hot yourself so your standards are naturally gonna be set a little higher. Rainbow on the other hand has been alive since women were as hairy as men and so by default he thinks any woman with a pulse (and possibly some without) are hot.
Edit: Retracts comment since the 20 somethings have got this all figured out.
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 29
Originally posted by J-Swiss

Rainbow on the other hand has been alive since women were as hairy as men and so by default he thinks any woman with a pulse (and possibly some without) are hot.

George Burns once said he doesn't date women his own age because there aren't any!!
Lvl 11
that, actually, was really good answer. the whole bit about "take the hottest girl they think they'd actually have a chance with and give her a 10 then basically grade all other girls on a curve based on that" kind of makes sense.
Lvl 14
Attractive in what sense?
I don't like matronly figures. Grandmother bodies don't appeal to me.
Though older women are more fun to talk to.
But if I want sex, she would be in her late twenties.
Hugh Hefner once said the ideal age for a woman was 27.
Lvl 11
Seryano - attractive as in, if you were only rating the girls/womans body from 1-10, would you still give say 30-40 or 40 -60 women high marks?
Lvl 18
Now though I ask you Jenn how do you feel about older men? Cause I find women to think almost opposite of men. Meaning they seem to like guys a little older then they are and a little more "distinguished" or whatever you want o call it. Now that I'm 27 I get hit on a lot by 18-21 year olds, way more then I did when I was 21 myself. When I was 21 I had to chase them, now it seems that they want to chase me. Nothings changed really I've always been in shape and still am the only thing is in the face I look more grown and more mature I guess. I realize 27 isn't "older" exactly but it's older then 21.

edit: I think you told me once you're only into chicks so if so what do your friends seem to think about older guys?
Lvl 11
Difficult to say to be honest because im a lesbian so i don't really spend much time ever looking at guys looks much, i care a LOT more about their personalities. though obviously i can still tell a good looking guy. i find guys between about 20 and 24 best looking to me personally. girls often chase guys 6 to 8 years their senior if they are good looking in hopes they will also be more mature, settled, and well off financially enough to support them. (which has nothing to do with the LOOKS part of my post, just replying in regard to your last couple sentances)
Lvl 7
30 plus is best! way better then young women. They have more smarts about them. Oh! and they are much better in bed!
Lvl 18
@wastintime: Yeah but we're not talkin smarts we're talkin strictly appearance.

Yeah Jenn, I knew you were a lesbian just slipped my mind when I wrote it. I added an edit to it probably while you were writing your reply.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by rainbowdemon

Yes, I do!!

What a surprise.
Lvl 18
Honestly though I think the proof is out in the world if you just open your eyes. Who do all the 60-80 year old billionaires marry? The 20 somethings. They could have a nice well balanced fairly attractive older lady too but they don't want that. That goes right back to my previous statement though of people basing hot on who they can or can't get.

If you ever see the corny ass show "Millionaire Matchmaker" you'll see all these older guys just picking through crops of 20 somethings. SOmetimes they'll even say "I want a mature woman who I can settle down with" but the second they're ina room with all the girls they always go for the hot 20 something instead.
Lvl 24
I like how everyone forgets that you're a lesbian.

Also, I can't really answer this thread, since I'm not old. But umm... I don't consider older ladies attractive. I'm not Ashton Kutcher.

Lvl 11

and J-Swiss yeah i read your edit. in reply i dont really know most of my friends are my age but have only dated guys within a few (2-3) years of their own age, so without actually asking opinions the visual data would tell me they prefer younger guys (since at this point, they are younger themselves)
Lvl 28
Being a youngster like teh Bangles, I don't think my opinion is relevant to the thread, but since I like to contribute, I'm going to post anyway.

I think older chicks are teh suck.

I mentioned a little while back (I think) that I got kissed by this older chick in a bar, she was only like 28-30, but it grossed me out pretty bad and I convinced myself I had herpes and spit out the window the entire drive home. The sad part is even for an older chick she was moderately attractive, it's just my brains work like this:

Women start their sexual career between 14-16 (most it seems)..not sex maybe, but dating and all that jazz, so in my head I always assume the longer a girl has been dating, kissing, blowing and fucking...the more partners they rack up, and the more likely they are to be loose in the vag and rocking many an STD.

Yeah, I'm an idiot.
Lvl 24
*waits for honda to notice my gif, and it's relation to my last comment*
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