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Designing a Test for Teenagers.

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 12 years ago Views: 2.7K
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Lvl 28
Hello, acquaintances...and my good friend, Eric Lindros.

9xAyisHkv29QEBOkfhVYXyg3%252BWe1bI9xCaLUpDuOsUKCPaftq2pVAVjt class="bbcode" rel="nofollow">

I was listening to a conversation the other day a bunch of idiots were having. I know they were idiots because they stumbled into the topic after talking about how much they miss "Everybody Loves Raymond".

Anyway, what they were talking about was how shitty kids are now. They're all fat and lame...and well, most parents are just flat embarrassed by them. Now I know how my dad feels.

So, they rolled into something one of them had read, about inventing a test kids could take, and in order to get all the perks of being an adult..they would have to pass a test. Yes, no drinking, no sexy parties at the Playboy Mansion that Lindros and I attend semi-regularly. None of that awesomeness.

So, in this thread, you add a question..


...that you think kids should have to know the answer to before they become adults. The one at a time, no double posts is designed to get you to post more than once in this thread. Then, at the end I'll print it out and make my girlfriend take it for lulz.

So, here we're the gatekeepers of adulthood, what would you put in the way of snot nosed little fuck faces who want to be as awesome as us, sexy, pretty adults..

9xAyisHkv29QEBOkfhVYXyg3vnzrMJV%252BDKzB%252F2GepBPQPaPi8ScRG08%253D class="bbcode" rel="nofollow">

Also, shout out to Ramsann who has a kid now, I'm looking for a badass answer from you.
Lvl 27
Here is a simple question to get a kid accepted into adulthood...

Do you have a JOB???
Lvl 28
So, being here and making the thread and all... This is being written by you, and the questions can be whatever you like.

My question would be "Who is the best Superhero, and why?"

You can provide answers if you like.

Best superhero is Superman, coolest is Batman, either is acceptable.

Spiderman, enjoy being a teen forever.

Originally posted by DEMO

Here is a simple question to get a kid accepted into adulthood...

Do you have a JOB???

Well fuck, then I guess I'm outty.
Lvl 25
What do you think of this generations media (music, movies, television, pop-novels)?

Correct answer is: It’s shit.
Lvl 7
You only have enough money to either pay the rent or hold a party, which do you do?

Answer: pay the rent then use the credit card to pay for the party.
Lvl 19
wonderful idea for a thread... . .. . . . trying to work on a worthy question to post .
Lvl 59
Q. What is the best kind of car to use for time travel?

A: A DeLorean, obviously
Lvl 19
What is a couple?

Have run across quiet a few younger people that did not know what a couple meant.
Lvl 27
Q: What do you do if the toilet gets clogged

The answer is not to yell and watch water pour out all over the floor...

A: grab the damn plunger for christ sake, it's not rocket science
Lvl 20
Which political philosophy was Hitler a part of?

I know a great many adults who will give the incorrect answer to this question. Whether they do so out of ignorance or an integrity deficit is often anyone's guess. Whatever the reason, if they can't answer this correctly (or won't) then they're too childish, or too ignorant, to be entrusted with the perks of being an adult.
Lvl 5
When do you think you will be able to afford to live on your own?
The right answer will be the date they are officially an adult.
Lvl 5
Originally posted by DEMO

Q: What do you do if the toilet gets clogged

The answer is not to yell and watch water pour out all over the floor...

A: grab the damn plunger for christ sake, it's not rocket science

You fail demo. The answer is to close the valve at the back of the toilet, then get the plunger.
Lvl 19
Where does (insert food) come from?

I am involved with 4H, FFA, and other agriculture clubs in my local area and find it hard to believe that so few teens know where a potato chip, canned corn, or milk come from. Had a 15 year old tell me that milk came from the store and was as serious as if he'd had a heart attack.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by kiefjones

You fail demo. The answer is to close the valve at the back of the toilet, then get the plunger.

I beg to differ, by the time you get the valve closed, if you actually can, as most of those valves get closed so rarely that they often are stuck, break, or don't close all the way, all the water has drained from the tank and the flapper has blocked any more water from entering the bowl...
Lvl 28
Which way is North?

To many people on the road that don't know already
Lvl 3
Explain what "thermodynamics" is in one sentence (Lehman's terms). I know it, do you....without looking it up and cheating??

Clue... --> .
Lvl 19
Originally posted by Crabs

Explain what "thermodynamics" is in one sentence (Lehman's terms). I know it, do you....without looking it up and cheating??

Clue... --> .
thermodynamics is how a material responds in response to heat transfer into or out of said material, and that is as simple as i can put it
Lvl 19
Q: How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?

A: By the time you figure this out you have too many bills to pay to even care.
Lvl 27
Q: Which is more important if you are running way low on money, paying the rent, or paying the electric bill?

A: It's pretty simple actually, you pay the rent, because with no where to live who needs electricity...
can you go for two weeks without masturbating? most of the members here cant
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