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Can you naughty boys help me??????

Starter: zoesmith Posted: 16 years ago Views: 4.2K
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Lvl 24
I'll sell my boxer briefs if anyone wants a whif of me. I know Latino would buy a pair. And since Honda is trying lose his virginity, maybe wearing my boxers will attract women with my "TRS pheromones."

Hmmm, maybe there is a market for this...
Originally posted by zoesmith

...Firstly I will only sell them if there is a market for them. Secondly men and women usually only come to this website because they are looking for a way to express the way they really feel and can have a naughty conversation with someone they dont know and there is no ties with it. Whats your fucking excuse you uptight prick!!!!!!! Perhaps I should send you some panties it sounds like you need to wank

You will only sell them if there is a market for them? You mean you don't have enough morals in your life to say no even if there is a market for them? You may get money for this, but you won't get respect. Maybe you aren't looking for that though. I don't want your used panties. That's disgusting.
Lvl 13
If your stupid ass doesn't have anything nice to say, why bother fucking posting in this damned thread to begin with?! The woman is asking a simple fucking question, and you pathetic fuckers are acting like she's asking you to take a sip of her neighbor's shitbag.

Come take a sip of my neighbor's shitbag.

There is, of course, a market for them. This is the internet. Several things are bought, sold, traded, etc. So, needless to say, all you need do is find the right place to sell them. And, if nothing comes of it, you could always hire a web-designer to build you a small, personal website of the like that would be used for nothing more than advertising and selling what you have to offer. — Even a chewed piece of bubble-gum was sold on eBay, simply because a celebrity chewed it. So, there has to be someone, somewhere that is twisted, perverted and kinky enough to purchase mentioned items from you. No, that's not an insult; those are my kind of people.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by waywardson

your avatar seems strangely familiar seems like I've seen it some where before (cough, cough) spoof
I just remember where I've seen it ,, the same as HQposter,, what a coincidence,,(cough, cough ) spoof
Like Tina said, I have tried it also and it really isn't worth the effort. Lots of weird request.
Lvl 11
japan is your market.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by    

If your stupid ass doesn't have anything nice to say, why bother fucking posting in this damned thread to begin with?! The woman is asking a simple fucking question, and you pathetic fuckers are acting like she's asking you to take a sip of her neighbor's shitbag.

Come take a sip of my neighbor's shitbag.

There is, of course, a market for them. This is the internet. Several things are bought, sold, traded, etc. So, needless to say, all you need do is find the right place to sell them. And, if nothing comes of it, you could always hire a web-designer to build you a small, personal website of the like that would be used for nothing more than advertising and selling what you have to offer. — Even a chewed piece of bubble-gum was sold on eBay, simply because a celebrity chewed it. So, there has to be someone, somewhere that is twisted, perverted and kinky enough to purchase mentioned items from you. No, that's not an insult; those are my kind of people.
Word Dude.....
Lvl 29
Originally posted by DarthSocal

I'll sell my boxer briefs if anyone wants a whif of me. I know Latino would buy a pair. And since Honda is trying lose his virginity, maybe wearing my boxers will attract women with my "TRS pheromones."

Hmmm, maybe there is a market for this...

Lvl 18
Such a nice thread has taken so many terrible turns.
Lvl 12
Originally posted by waywardson

...I just remember where I've seen it ,, the same as HQposter,, what a coincidence,,(cough, cough ) spoof
interesting... could it be that we've been had ?
Lvl 15
not my type of thing but ....

you could set up a free website offering you potential guest your product and a contact e mail
then set yourself up a paypal account with a discrete name for you guest to discretely make their transactions on
then send your pics via e mail to confirm sale and receipt of payment and then ship via standard postal
theoretically there is a market for this type of thing and im sure you could advertise in many places for free via chat rooms and groups on other websites and probably turn a good buck at it
good luck with your endeavor

and why are some of you people such harsh assholes? jesus fucking christ crucified on a broomstick get over yourselves we all have our own pervs that we like and you know as well as i do alot of guys like this and some of you want to talk about how she has no respect for herself....what about the girl you stroking off do you dont seem to have an issue with her and what shes doing cause you like it!!! lighten the fuck up!!!!

more power to this girl if she can make a buck off of this
Lvl 19
Just make sure you offer 'endless refills'
that'll bring in the business
Lvl 8
Originally posted by twwain

japan is your market.

He's right, I lived over there for 6 months and that's a country full of horny old men. The problem they were having when I was there was old business men waiting for the school girls to walk by on their way to school and then offering them 2000-3000 yen for there panties. Some of the girls got smart and would put on 10 pair of panties and head off to school, all the extras would be sold by the time they arrived.
Lvl 3
You may need to make your own web page, there are a few people out there doing it - If you Google "for Sale Wet Panties", you will see what I mean.
Lvl 4
I know this guy that had a web site. He would buy panties at Victoria Secrets then rub his pit bulls snatch on them and sell them for $50. On the site he posted pics of this college chick that was way hot. The scam worked for years until he got a complaint and the ISP banned him. He never got back into it but we would laugh our asses off when people would write emails saying they were jacking off to his pit bulls snatch scent.
Lvl 12
sounds like I might get my own web page soon. I'll be selling the real thing
Lvl 4
Sure you will.
Lvl 9
Go for it!
Lvl 5
what the hell are we supposed to do with your worn lingerie? i'm not gonna wear it. my wife is gonna think i'm some kinda sicko for buying some strange woman's used lingerie. then i'd get divorced. so after i'm divorced and horny i guess it would make a good cum rag. then i gotta wash it and it's back to being just lingerie. then it's back to square one. get a life. go sell crack instead.
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