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Are you scientifically literate?

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 12 years ago Views: 2.8K
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Lvl 18
39 out of 50 I will take it, considering the fact that taking that slow moving test was most painful (I guess it is also quite possible I just haven't properly exercised my brain in a while). This has caused me to remember that I generally hated most of those type of classes . Just not my bag, but the real test is whether or not I go back and take it again, so I can tell my super-ego part of myself that I got 50 out of 50...

Kudos to everyone that willingly left a perfectly good pron site in order to take a science test. F*cking nerds, the whole lot of you (myself included)! Nice job as usual EL.
Lvl 31
37/50 ... not too shabby for my high school education
Lvl 12
28 out of 50. slightly higher than a retarded monkey. But I can build, wire and plumb a house. Guess I have a different kind of knowledge... Never was much for book learnin..
Lvl 16
I screwed up on a couple also..
Lvl 14
I got 36 of 50. not too bad. now back to looking at tittes and asses.
Lvl 7
39/50, not good when you consider I teach science........Hope the boss doesn't find out I could be out of a job.
Lvl 19
First of all, thanks for taking the quiz. Yes, you certainly do have a different and necessary kind of knowledge. Certainly few of the questions have any bearing on your success as such, though the bar is constantly being raised
and education gives one more choices. ( I love choices !)

Where a familiarity of this knowledge is valuable to you right now, is that you as a tax payer are constantly being asked to provide funding for national interests that depend on this knowledge and the pursuit of it.

There is no substitute for an informed citizen. At a minimum it makes it more difficult for your congressman to bull shit you.


Originally posted by meetoo157

28 out of 50. slightly higher than a retarded monkey. But I can build, wire and plumb a house. Guess I have a different kind of knowledge... Never was much for book learnin..
Lvl 13
Sure...what's sihunce?
Lvl 71
You answered 29 of 50 questions correctly for a total score of 58%.

I've made a few wrong choice because of bad/unknown translations and a few more because of lack of attention ^^ Could have done better (something like 35 I guess).
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