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American Football vs Rugby. what is the better sport?

Starter: veyron Posted: 18 years ago Views: 4.5K
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Originally posted by BigBadsofty

I grew up playing football. You grab 6 to 12 guys and a ball. " Turkey bowl was always big. usually below freezing but still ice caked mud."
We never wore any protective equipment. No body was ever killed, and it was always a good time...
If you really enjoyed it, you played again. No one ever said your not tough enough, or this isn't as good as something else. I garentee that nobody downunder has ever been hit when it's below freezing, but i know they wouldn't complain about how tough they are if they did

so can we all hug, hold hands and sing kumbiya... freekin' panzies

i agree with most of what youre saying, except the downunder freezing part..the national squad has played many matches in England, while to watch
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 10
Originally posted by Latino

I grew up playing football. You grab 6 to 12 guys and a ball. " Turkey bowl was always big. usually below freezing but still ice caked mud."
We never wore any protective equipment. No body was ever killed, and it was always a good time...
If you really enjoyed it, you played again. No one ever said your not tough enough, or this isn't as good as something else. I garentee that nobody downunder has ever been hit when it's below freezing, but i know they wouldn't complain about how tough they are if they did

so can we all hug, hold hands and sing kumbiya... freekin' panzies

i agree with most of what youre saying, except the downunder freezing part..the national squad has played many matches in England, while to watch

Did you guys get to see the Aussie rules game between USA Revolution and Australia corners in LA.I missed the Game and dont know who won.I am sure it would have been the Australian corners
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 14
I like rugby, only on horseback. Now thats a mans sport, or ladies
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 16
Who wants to be the first to point out that by coming to WBW Swiss407 is, in essence, going outside the USA ?
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 22
Deleted Swiss407 last 2 posts, ive had enough of you/him trying to turn this into a "how wonderul America is" thread.

* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 18
it's all good. Wasn't tryin to really turn it into that originally. Originally the whole point was just to point out that comparing Rugby and Football is like comparing monkeys and sharks. I'll be the first to admit I got a lil carried away with it and went way off of where I was tryin to go with it. I usually try to avoid this type of shit, only thing that set me off was Lankey's comment on page 9, said something about yanks. I hate that word it's no different then n!gger, spic or chink. I don't come on here callin British people limeys or talking about how rotten your teeth are or how if your skin was anymore pasty you'd be invisible in the snow so I don't expect to see words like yank bein thrown around. It's my bad though, I shouldn't have let him piss me off to a point that I felt like fighting with all the Brits. My apologies to you, Watty, but to everyone else especially Lankey you can all still "yank" my dick, Rugby sucks! And Watty, If ya'll are gonna go through deleting posts because you don't want people speaking proudly about their country, then the least you could do is also delete posts that make deliberate offensive remarks about people from other countries, just a thought, but sounds fair to me. I'll let this thread be now, I've already stirred up enough shit with this one. No hard feelings on my part, if it don't apply, let it fly. Holla at cha boy.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 10
Ok I play both on a semi pro level and in my opinion I just like rugby better. No equipment just skin on skin smashing!! It is just more natural to knock a guy on his ass when there is no protection involved. I mean you put on a helmet and pads and anyone can knock anybody out but when there is no equipment now thats heart!!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 13
Originally posted by darock65

Ok I play both on a semi pro level and in my opinion I just like rugby better. No equipment just skin on skin smashing!! It is just more natural to knock a guy on his ass when there is no protection involved. I mean you put on a helmet and pads and anyone can knock anybody out but when there is no equipment now thats heart!!

Not bashing either of the sports(i enjoy them both)...but they way you described them was VERY Homosexual

"skin on skin smashing!!"

* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 10
Not gay just saying I would rather knock the shit out of someone without equipment on then hit them with equipment!!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 10
Its just like saying you can knock a person out with a hammer but would you not rather do it with a fist!! Plus I looked at my post and it does look a little gay! Sorry
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Swiss407

And Watty, If ya'll are gonna go through deleting posts because you don't want people speaking proudly about their country, then the least you could do is also delete posts that make deliberate offensive remarks about people from other countries, just a thought, but sounds fair to me. I'll let this thread be now, I've already stirred up enough shit with this one. No hard feelings on my part, if it don't apply, let it fly. Holla at cha boy.

Thanks for the advise, i feel a better person for it. Im sorry for trying to keep this to a sports related topic.

*smacks forehead*

i must be crazy, what on earth am i thinking of?
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 25
C'mon TickLer mate, im trying to keep this civil, if Trust can behave you can too. Gonna have to lock this if it doesnt get back on topic.

* This post has been modified by Watty : 18 years ago
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Watty

And Watty, If ya'll are gonna go through deleting posts because you don't want people speaking proudly about their country, then the least you could do is also delete posts that make deliberate offensive remarks about people from other countries, just a thought, but sounds fair to me. I'll let this thread be now, I've already stirred up enough shit with this one. No hard feelings on my part, if it don't apply, let it fly. Holla at cha boy.

Thanks for the advise, i feel a better person for it. Im sorry for trying to keep this to a sports related topic.

*smacks forehead*

i must be crazy, what on earth am i thinking of?

I don't really get your response. I've got no problem with you trying to keep it sports related, my only problem is that you delete my posts when ya don't delete posts that use words like yank which is the entire reason why I took this thread off topic in the first place. It's all good, I ain't got nothin against you or anybody else who runs this site cause it kicks ass. I'm not even tryin to tell ya how to do your job, I'm just makin a point that as long as people use the word yank here or any other derogatory words that there's gonna be people like me who get offended and start talkin shit back, so the best way to keep threads on topic is to not allow people to talk shit in the first place. You guys constantly change text in other threads if people refer to women as bitches or ho's or something, but yet you allow people to call Americans yanks which really pisses us off, at least the ones I know anyway. I just don't see why it's cool for him to insult us, but then it's not cool for me to talk shit back, that's all. Hope ya'll havin a good day so far. I'll holla.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Swiss407

And Watty, If ya'll are gonna go through deleting posts because you don't want people speaking proudly about their country, then the least you could do is also delete posts that make deliberate offensive remarks about people from other countries, just a thought, but sounds fair to me. I'll let this thread be now, I've already stirred up enough shit with this one. No hard feelings on my part, if it don't apply, let it fly. Holla at cha boy.

Thanks for the advise, i feel a better person for it. Im sorry for trying to keep this to a sports related topic.

*smacks forehead*

i must be crazy, what on earth am i thinking of?

I don't really get your response. I've got no problem with you trying to keep it sports related, my only problem is that you delete my posts when ya don't delete posts that use words like yank which is the entire reason why I took this thread off topic in the first place. It's all good, I ain't got nothin against you or anybody else who runs this site cause it kicks ass. I'm not even tryin to tell ya how to do your job, I'm just makin a point that as long as people use the word yank here or any other derogatory words that there's gonna be people like me who get offended and start talkin shit back, so the best way to keep threads on topic is to not allow people to talk shit in the first place. You guys constantly change text in other threads if people refer to women as bitches or ho's or something, but yet you allow people to call Americans yanks which really pisses us off, at least the ones I know anyway. I just don't see why it's cool for him to insult us, but then it's not cool for me to talk shit back, that's all. Hope ya'll havin a good day so far. I'll holla.

i`m getting pissed now..sorry watty, i tryed to behave...

* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 5
i guess rugby is more brutal whereas american fotball is more interesting...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 4
Well, it seems our thread leader doesn't know squat about the American football experience. I played pro-football with the Atlanta Falcoms. I have also played rugby with a semi-pro team. American football is at least ten times more violent, much more physical and beyond comprehension when it comes to strategy and tactics. So my highly-qualified vote is for American football.

But......................there is a game that scares me.....................

Australian football. In a nutshell it is by far the gutstiest sport I ever saw played. I stood on the sideline for a couple of games and winced when contact was made. Only half had all their teeth and that's becasue it was their first year of playing. I'll play football and rugby any day over that game.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 22
Originally posted by steelman0948

Well, it seems our thread leader doesn't know squat about the American football experience. I played pro-football with the Atlanta Falcoms. I have also played rugby with a semi-pro team. American football is at least ten times more violent, much more physical and beyond comprehension when it comes to strategy and tactics. So my highly-qualified vote is for American football.

But......................there is a game that scares me.....................

Australian football. In a nutshell it is by far the gutstiest sport I ever saw played. I stood on the sideline for a couple of games and winced when contact was made. Only half had all their teeth and that's becasue it was their first year of playing. I'll play football and rugby any day over that game.

* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 4
And I like being called a 'Yank'. Ask any European, except a German, over the age of 50 about the 'Yanks' and you will get nothing but praise for the strength, courage, clarity of vision, morals and mores, and compassion of a yank. It was the yanks who stopped Hitler and the Japanese. Yank know-how, yank courage, yank lives.

Be proud of that moniker for it has a great history and thousands of great stories and demands respect around the world. And it doesn't matter what color your skin is either. A yank is a yank and that is a good thing.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 22
Originally posted by steelman0948

And I like being called a 'Yank'. Ask any European, except a German, over the age of 50 about the 'Yanks' and you will get nothing but praise for the strength, courage, clarity of vision, morals and mores, and compassion of a yank. It was the yanks who stopped Hitler and the Japanese. Yank know-how, yank courage, yank lives.

Be proud of that moniker for it has a great history and thousands of great stories and demands respect around the world. And it doesn't matter what color your skin is either. A yank is a yank and that is a good thing.

i am german..
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 5
Originally posted by steelman0948

And I like being called a 'Yank'. Ask any European, except a German, over the age of 50 about the 'Yanks' and you will get nothing but praise for the strength, courage, clarity of vision, morals and mores, and compassion of a yank. It was the yanks who stopped Hitler and the Japanese. Yank know-how, yank courage, yank lives.

Be proud of that moniker for it has a great history and thousands of great stories and demands respect around the world. And it doesn't matter what color your skin is either. A yank is a yank and that is a good thing.

take it easy n00b
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
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