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Whats this?

Starter: Braindick Posted: 21 years ago Views: 2.0K
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Lvl 12
Can't I be on this forum? I think Mr. Sinister has some private problems or something like that! Allow me to introduce myself
Lvl 25
Lvl 12
thanx FJ, but your friend sinisters seems to hate me, he's deleting my posts....why?
Lvl 17
I deleted a post with a porn link.. not a story about you..
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 12
why man? Life is all about porn, thought you knew.......
Lvl 16
I would like you to change your sig. it offends me.
Lvl 16
welcome though
should've started with that actually but hey, who's perfect.
no hands? near perfect then?
hmm.... seems I'm the only one there
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 25
A change of signature would be nice! Just english please! Mr.Sunshine from GA.NL
Lvl 12
eeemm, the signature is from this very first dutch-erotic movie, everybody should know ´turks fruit´, but for the culture-haters here is the translation: Shit, goddamned, shit, I´ll lick the shit from your ass!!, so that´s offending to you mr. just-c? Why? You´ve had this anal rape? Or you just hate eating your girls ass? no offense though, peace, may the sunshine be with you!!
Lvl 25
I know, but try to keep your signature english
Lvl 16
true. and yes, I find it offencive. I have no problem with turks fruit or sex, but I would like to see your sig changed to something a bit normal.
my opinion tho.
Lvl 12
will you kick me out if I dont? it´s just the sig that fits me best you see, different people different values.... I like to eat ass
Lvl 25
Don't kick people out, i'll change it... it's a english site so english signatures!
Lvl 16
indeed. I have no problem with you eating ass. the sig doesn't suggest eating ass tho. it's talking about eating shit. and that is, in my book, an entirely different story, which I personally find offensive.
so I would like you to change it, however much you find it to be "you".
Lvl 25
heheh, it reflects something gay
Lvl 12
Hell no! Diz-x when we look at the avatar you got, I almost think you are from a gay-datingsite but that´s another story, I´ve changed my sig dudes that´s the story! Eeehm gonna change it right now!
Lvl 16
Lvl 25
Lvl 19
A guy walks into the Patent Office to register his new modified apple. Seems he was able to splice an apple, a orange, a pear and a banana into one fruit.

The patent officer sees the apple and questions the guy on why he would ever want to patent a common apple. The guy defends himself by telling the officer to take a bite. The officer bites in and tastes the most succulient tasting apple he had ever tried. The officer responds by saying, " it's a great apple, but you can't patent a good tasting apple". The guy then tells the officer to turn the apple and take another bite. The officer then tastes the most delicious pear the world has ever known. "Pretty nice, but you still can't patent two flavours" the officer stated. The guy then tells the officer to turn the apple once again and taste it. Again, the banana is fantastic yet the officer is still not impressed. "Turn it again" said the guy. The officer tastes the most juiciest orange. Finally the officer says, "look, this great, but I don't think the public will buy into it. Now, if you make a fruit that tasted like the greatest pussy in the world, that would be most impressive and patentible".

The guy, not to be discouraged, went home and started working on the pussy fruit. After several weeks the guy comes up with the invention. Excitingly, he runs back to the patent office to show the officer the fruit. The officer is also eager to try the pussy fruit. The officer bites in and tastes the fruit, gets a sore look on his face and says " this is the worst thing I have ever tasted. This fruit tastes like shit!!" The guy responds by saying "turn it"
Lvl 12
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