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What do you do

Starter: Gobler Posted: 21 years ago Views: 1.9K
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Lvl 21
So HB is a milf? Make that uber-hottie-milf.
Lvl 14
Lvl 14
i feel stupid...
Lvl 14
HB: CONGRATULATIONS!! *hoe lang al? ik had je zoiezo nog niet gefeliciteerd.. dus hierbij: van harte gefeliciteerd! hoeveel heb je er ?
Lvl 17
Think thats good, not many of fulltime mommy's anymore ;O
Lvl 21
milf = "Mother I'd Like to Fuck"
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 17
Wow youre fast spht
Lvl 14
ik heb er eentje van bijna vier...
thanks PF!!but still....what the fuck is milf?
Lvl 21
Yes, with my blazing speed I am unbeatable!

:: DSL chokes and dies ::
Lvl 14
ah that milf??
Lvl 14
HB: boy or girl? en issie/zij liev? *tuurlijk, stomme vraag
Lvl 21
:: gets out English-Dutch dictionary ::

:: looks for naughty words ::

Milfs are mothers who even through child bearing have kept or even improved their sexual attraction. There are a lot of wannabe "milfs" out there.
Lvl 17
Dutch sentences has to contain i's ?
Lvl 14
girlie! en ze is lief veel ondeugend en houd van hardcore
to bad we can't send pics over with [pms...
need to ask diz to fix that!
Lvl 14
had je verteld ja, in het hardcore topic! sorry, ik ben nogal vergeetachtig.
Lvl 21

Lvl 17
had je verteld ja, in het hardcore topic! sorry, ik ben nogal vergeetachtig.
Yes hardcpre topic sorry i am

im good?
Lvl 14
you're incredible.
Lvl 19
I'm mad scientist trying to take over the world from my underground secret base. I came here to watch porn in my free time.
Lvl 14
dava you're good!!!
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