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Well I wouldn't quite say I'm introducing MYSELF....

Starter: 29417 Posted: 20 years ago Views: 2.5K
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Lvl 12
*GASP* it's your birthday!?! I have another online friend whose birthday is today!


*giggles cuz you can't see!*
Lvl 12
that wasn't to me right? I always post my pix from another server <3

No you do it perfect ... didn't you know that already.
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 22
lol!! I love you honey!! You're the most beautiful woman i've ever seen !
Lvl 13
LadyAndrea, do you have any more pics of you doing a split? Your wall split is one of my fav pics of you! *fap*
Lvl 22
Hey honey! have you read this?

Lvl 12
Somebody has got it bad eh?
Lvl 15
latinlover needs to clean the pipes!
Lvl 22
Well... ermmm.... damn... ermmm... without comments!
Lvl 12
Sphtman, LadyAndrea
As a Web designer/developer I feel a suggestion is in order.
Sphtman, you must be a linux guy. Trashing a Microsoft product. Their here learn to live with it.
When I develop websites I try to make my websites cross brower friendly. Do you realize by excluding IE you are killing over 70% of the internet users. If I was going to be brower specfic I would choose IE simply for the numbers.
Lvl 12
jhpwbw - i agree...but I know nothing of webdesign, so I keep shush :\ (it does make it very hard on my pc though...especially since I have dial up as well)
Lvl 21
Well you're half right. I'm a Mac Guy. Unix based so you're half way there.

I prefer not to stagnant and just accept things. IE is a horrible browser that should be put out of its misery. Every week a huge security hole is found in it. Not to meantion its functionality is years old and its rendering engine is by far the worst since Netscape's Beta 3. People should give up that trash of a browser the only reason it is so popular is its the default for Windows OS and a lot of Windows users are on inept side and don't look elsewhere.

I prefer to make change. IE needs to die.

However V2 of the site will be more compatible with IE and won't rely as much on javascript and high speed connections. But for working for free on a site over two days with 8 hours of sleep between them, its nothing to complain about.
Lvl 15
numbers don't lie, you cannot exclude IE regardless of your preference. I prefer 1024x768 but when I develope sites I always consider 800x600 also. Don't take it personally, I'm not making any reference to LadyAndrea's site, but general observations.

Good luck with your one person war against Microsoft!
Lvl 12
(i dunno where that came from, sorry about the repost)

but i guess i'll add that i didnt mean to complain about anything :\ i'm horribly greatful for the site
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 21
You guys are going totally OT.

Back to LadyAndrea! Yum! More erotic splits!
Lvl 12
Mac, unix whatever. I don't trash any. I go by the numbers. Guess why you see more IE security holes, MS outlook and Microsoft based viruses. The numbers. If someone is going to write destructive sofeware they go for the numbers as well. If Mac was no 1 we would see all the security holes in the Mac os. The numbers count.
Lvl 14


I got it. (grins)

Lvl 12
End of my suggestions, btw LadyAndrea you are great. I'm a fan.....
Lvl 21
Jhpwbw: What you are saying sounds very misleading. Microsoft software has as many problems as it does because of its lack of quality in programming. I went through the leaked NT code and it was sloppy put together. Sure the popularity does affect the production, but its still a matter of how well something is programmed. If Apple was in the position Microsoft was, they wouldn't stagnant like Microsoft. Jobs himself sees Microsoft's big flaw, bad programming.

But back to LadyAndrea! *fap* *fap* *fap*
Lvl 14
offtopic: winxp sp1 + IE 6 works fine with me..

whieieiiiiiiiiihiiiiiii!!! thank you so much, my dear lady!
Lvl 12
Sorry all I must respond to Sphtman:
You say "Jobs himself sees Microsoft's big flaw, bad programming." Seem to me he's a good judge, he works for apple, a part founder of apple and then left and created the failed NeXt computer. He knows that good programming so when he returned to apple he created OS X, the core of OS X is Darwin. Which is a version of the BSD UNIX operating system. The GUI some applications are apple's. Lots of code there. You can read all about it at apples own site.
I still say don't trash systems and go by the numbers. Apple choose to go this way instead of redeveloping the old Mac OS, thats fine.
I use Microsoft Windows XP, Apple OS X and Linux to develop my websites and applications. Can you say the same? Or are you bashing from what you hear and read.
They all have plus and minuses.
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