i like Pizza but i aint frail and scrawny, and neither am i fat 50 and ugly as a mut lol
only kidding Kanzen, you know we like you.
under 16...maybe, but 50! NO! not our ham!
i dont think addiction was saying he ahd a problem, just he is scepticle because of some other so called "female" members, guys who pretended to be girls.
cough cough slider....cough
well, i can understand that Ham, but i think it is not fair to react like that to a female who introduces herself with her addictions and comes her for the fun and wanting to chat with people. i am a fair.. but hey, now i feel that i have to defend myself for who i am...
:: gives Silk a big hug ::
No, you don't need to defend yourself or proof anything.
ppl, stop acting like a cocks, dammit!
dont worry about it Silk, your not on trial here its just that since the whole slider thing some people still wonder about any new female members.
But im sure your who and what you say you are.
Ham, I don't worry about any new female members. Just certain ones that try extra hard to show they are female. There are warning signs. For instance joined the site and going straight to the Introduction Forum. How often does that honestly happen? I'm not saying this person isn't female, just that I am skeptical.
im on your side addiction, i understand what your saying dont think i dont. Just its a little difficult to explain to a n00b about the whole slider thing and why some people are more skeptical than others about new female members who come to the introduction forum.
But i get where your coming from mate.
ham, the theory behind us jumping on silky is to expose silky.
this will either result in a confession of being male, or boobies to prove it, either way, i feel like i've won.
I never said anything about slider. Don't confuse my comments with anyone else. Nor did I say I had a problem with females on the site. I suggest reading my posts much more carefully before responding.
boobies?? male??
well, hello! i was introducing myself and what do i get here?
anyway, thanks you all!
Just ignore addiction, Silk. It makes WBW far more pleasant.
i did addiction and i didn't write it that well in my post but you said that i went straight to introduction so the end of my sentence is only meant for you.
i'll edit it right now.
easy guys you are gonna scare her away...
(K) (K)