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New guy..

Starter: Sarge Posted: 21 years ago Views: 819
Lvl 12
Hi everybody. Kind of enjoy this place, so I guess I'll stick around. relaxed 22 year-old army soldier from Sweden, who happens to love beautiful women.. (how unusual eh?)
See you around!
Lvl 13
Welcome Sarge! What is that thing on your avatar?

Lvl 25
Welcome mate!

Shy_ry: looks like an cat??
Lvl 12
Welcome Sarge. If you happen to know any cute single swedish girls get them online. I'll gladdly welcome them too. Of course the girls get a special welcome.
Lvl 12
Welcome Sarge. Vixxen, I am still waiting for my "special" welcome sweetie
Lvl 21
Heyyyyyy wazuuuuuuuuupppppp! another swede!
Lvl 13
Welcome enjoy your stay
welcome to the site off the net
Lvl 14
He welkome to the second best site on the net.
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 16
tjena!! välkommen hit!!
Lvl 12
thanks for the warm welcome (especially from that spunge-dude) the cat on my avatar is "bucky", main character in a new american strip called "get fuzzy", -you can check it and other good comics out on
Lvl 12
Welcome sarge, it's interesting how our strange commics capture fans arround the world, btw buckey is one messed up cat
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago