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Looking for all the fellow Hoosiers

Starter: dirtycat Posted: 15 years ago Views: 1.1K
Lvl 6
Hey everyone....I'm a long time lurker and enjoy this website so much I sometimes get in trouble with the wife. lol.I am just looking to chat and get to know any and all of members from Indiana. This is a cool site with lots of good people. Just pm me anytime you want or catch me online. I'm a huge Colts fan and season ticket holder, so any subject is cool with me. Have fun!!!
Im not from Indiana but Welcome and tell the wife to get off your back
Lvl 29
Yo yo yo!!!
Indy here!!
Lvl 37
Enjoy the babes and cars! (beer)

Lvl 6
thanks everyone I have been hanging around for awhile but never seem to get enough of this site!!! I love it
Lvl 6
I'm in Indiana too.
Lvl 7
Northwest Indiana here
Lvl 28
welcome to wbw, enjoy the cars... i'm from ill.
Lvl 7
welcome, I used to live in Indi for a year or so.
Lvl 9
I'm not a Hoosier but I circled Indianapolis several times on 465.

I was on a trip to Iowa, it was early morning after a long drive from the Sunny South.

Lvl 15
I live in indianapolis