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How to

Starter: sarahtje Posted: 20 years ago Views: 253
Lvl 24
Hello I'm new here. I'm Sarah from Belgium living in Turnhout which is a very nice place to live. I'm 19 now not so old and I like beautiful girls and boys I found this out and thought it could be a very nice place to be this site. So love you all

I have an avator but it's too big. How can I make it smaller? And with wich program. PLease help me.
Lvl 18
hey sarah welcome here!!! you could make your avatar smaller with paint ore photoshop don't know with program you have?
Lvl 18
oh it works allready i see!
Lvl 15

1. If you are using MS Windows, run "MSPaint.exe" and
2. Open the avatar.
3. From the menu, select Image, then Stretch/Skew.
4. In the "stretch" box put the amount that you want to shrink it (ie 50 for half size.)

If you know what size the image needs to be (ie 32x32 or whatever) and need to figure out how much to shrink the image, then open the image as described above and select image, attributes from the menu and it will tell you how big the image is. Open "Calc.exe" or use a calculator and take the size that you want it to be, in this example 32x32, and divide this size (32) by the size of your image (in pixels). That is the number that you need to put in the "%" box for step 4 above.
Lvl 17
I see that your avatar is fine now

Welcome to the site Sarahtje
It's nice to have you here with us!