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Hi, I am Mike

Starter: gtbgmaniak Posted: 20 years ago Views: 1.5K
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Lvl 13
75% is (offtopic)
Lvl 13
your life is over now
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 20
Sure, blame it on me only.
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 22
look at metalux and gasolin, talking about being offtopic like a couple of old ladies.....
(and posting four times about being offtopic on the "hi my name is mike"topic is somehow on topic?!?!?!?!)this "hi my name is mike" topic was dead immediately, we didnt kill it, we just used it to chat, so what??? does anyone care? nope...not unless it is metalux and gasolin the "offtopic police" know guys, im going to follow your every post from now on, and point out every time you are off topic and see how you enjoy are not the perfect angels yourselves, so get off my back!
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 13

well its good that you join us with the offtopic police
you are welcome
this is my 4 offtopic reply overhere
one i deleted it because i solved the problem already by PM with mickey
keep at good look at me and gasolin erik
Lvl 20
...Can i help you to, Eric? :P

Anywho, this is awfully offtopic, so: Welcome again, mike.
Lvl 13
mickey dont misunderstand me
these are not my words
erik is ok
letts keep peace (beer)
Lvl 20
Oh, dont worry, im just having some fun

This is the offtopic squad. You, Metalux, did just post an offtopic message.
Lvl 13
yes i did already in this stupid topic just to save your ass mickey
i like you and if i irritate aGAIN i will send you a PM
letss close this topic and have a nice evening on WBW
Lvl 22
welcome again mike...wherever you have gone...........

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