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Starter: blizhavoc Posted: 15 years ago Views: 966
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Lvl 7
Hey everyone.
I've finally taken the step to be an active member. This site has been great so far, and I hope to be a "productive" member. Also, theChosen helped me out with my avitar, so big props to him.

Lvl 21
Lvl 7
Welcome aboard...
Lvl 2
hey therex
Lvl 14
True bliz... some nice avy you got there

Welcome aboard the WBW train my friend! Feel free to ask the mods if you have any questions.... if they are too busy you can ask me

And I cannot stress this enough.... before you post... read the rules!

That been said.... now get posting!
Lvl 28
welcome to wbw, enjoy the cars...
Lvl 12
And again...
Hi and welcome to wbw . Have fun and enjoy your stay
Lvl 13
Lvl 11
Lvl 25
Welcome, remember the more you put in the more you'll get back.

They come for the porn, they stay for the community.
Lvl 17
Heidie Ho, neighbor...
Lvl 12
welcome and enjoy
Lvl 25
Welcome! hope to see more from you!
Lvl 11
Welcome Bliz! We look forward to viewing your luscious posts!
Lvl 27
Lvl 7
Thanks for all the hellos! It's great to receive such a welcome. Hopefully I can contribute to the site.

Take a look at my first real post, I'm sure you'll enjoy.
Lvl 24
Welcome from The Punnani, enjoy your stay !
Lvl 16
Originally posted by britmonkey

Welcome, remember the more you put in the more you'll get back.

They come for the porn, they stay for the community.

So true..

Lvl 51
Hi and welcome to WBW, have fun

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