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hey, everyone

Starter: Firecrotch Posted: 20 years ago Views: 959
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Lvl 12
ok, so my boyfriend M.D. said I had to stop lurking over his shoulder telling him what links to press and all that and actually get in here and do some posting and all that myself, so I guess I will be on everyonce in awhile whenever he isnt.
Lvl 12
As part of the welcome wagon hello. Buxom and I seriously need to talk with you girl on girl on girl. We've been hearing things and we would like to use some persuasive techniques on you. MD has been nice enough to supply some uploads for us girls but even better supplying you to us. Thanks MD for Firecrotch. Drop Buxom and I a line some time.
Lvl 14
Can you send him to the store?

Maybe the one across town?
Lvl 12
Mickter hands off I saw her first. Girls first.
Lvl 14
Gosh, you girls can be so mean sometimes!
Lvl 12
hey, no fighting, i have enough energy to take you all on and then some

i am after all a "very" wild redhead
Lvl 14
Can you send MD to a store across the State?

Lvl 12
sorry, but no, he is the only living being with a penis that i let do the naughty things that i like to me. however if you are a girl on the other hand....
Lvl 13
Hi and welcome Firecrotch,Hey when you send MD across town/state and Vixxen & Buxom "talk" to you, can I bring the camcorder..???
Lvl 14

I'm not having much luck here.


* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 12
thanks clay, sorry but no, i have seen too many people get burned by their "personal" tapes getting out to the public, i do have my job to think about. but if your really nice i might leave a key hole for you to look through
Lvl 12
awwww, dont feel bad mickster, ill leave a keyhole for you to look through as well.
Lvl 14
Yeah! I get my own keyhole!!
Lvl 13
lol thats ok I dont need the Keyhole I have a nice tree branch outside your window...

I prefer to describe my profession as that of a "Contemporary Anthropological Interactive Observer" because it has just the right amount of flair. Besides, "stalker" is such an ugly word.
Lvl 14
How about "Hunter" ?
Lvl 14
Uh, Firecrotch, you have some more photos of yourself to upload. I think they would be a good addition to the site.
Lvl 13
well sorry to rain on you parade jack, but I doubt she will post any of the photos of herself on the site, I dont think she would want that sort of exposure(her employers and customers might frown on it if word ever got out). but I will ask her, though I am pretty sure the answer will be no.
Lvl 14
Well I promise it will just be our little secret.
Lvl 13
well Ill give you a hint, I just submitted a bunch of pics for the babes gallerys, now among them were about 6 or 7 redheads, one of them is firecrotch(my girlfriend) but I am not going to tell you which one.
Lvl 14
Finally some cute chicks in the gallery.
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