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hey everyone.....

Starter: DandyDan Posted: 21 years ago Views: 228
Lvl 13
I'm new and got a SHIT load of pics just like this one. I just got back from spring break in PCB but my damn digital cam is messed up and will not upload the pics i took.
Lvl 22
ok...and your point is?
Lvl 26
You just got back from spring break?
Lvl 26
I live in the wrong part of the world!
Lvl 13
no gasolin you dont life in the wrong part of the world
if you compare spring break with a week on Ibiza in the summer
what you will choose then?

Lvl 19
I'll choose ibiza. damn the parties thtere are sooo nice.
Lvl 12
If all your pics are of saggy birds then its ok, don't rush to upload them
Lvl 34
Welcome surferdude270