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Hello boys!

Starter: mrsulbell Posted: 15 years ago Views: 22.5K
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Lvl 4
Fantastic body mrsulbell!!!! I can't wait for more
Lvl 7
Hi guys.

I just wanted to let you know that this MrsUlbell is definately not what she appears to be.

A while ago, I used these boards under a different name, and me and my partner traded some private photos with MrsUlbell, but then we decided that it was not for us and I deleted my account. I have just looked in this thread, and 90% of the images are of my partner and I, so understandably, I am slightly pissed off.

I am not even 100% MrsUlbell is a woman, but they are certainly duplicitous enough to masquerade using photos that were traded in confidence.

So, uh yeah, don't trust her.
Lvl 19
I have had similar suspicions so have treed fairly carefully but I'm sure a proof pic would sort most of this out.
Lvl 19
Well I know MrsUlbell has looked in on the thread because I got an emailed. "and I thought you were doubting me! Saw your post on my forum. Just pisses me off people want to pretend I'm a fake. Well if you want to stay friends say." to which I replied "Hey can you blame me for having some doubts with the comments that are on there. I am a bit torn as to who to believe. That is why I simply said it would or could be sorted out with a proof pic."
Lvl 22

I'm horrified at the thought someone would post on this site under false pretenses!

Lvl 7
Still. That girl in the last load of photos? my partner. Not her.
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