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From Finland?

Starter: Niksa Posted: 20 years ago Views: 4.6K
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Lvl 15
Perkele = damn or devil
Lvl 27
Spank you!
Lvl 17
"perkele" is an old finnish word that originally was the name of the ruler of the 'underworld'(? Manala ?) in ancient bagan finland.
He was the same as devil is in crhristian religions..
Lvl 12
from finland too... I'am suprised,here is lot of finnish guys. (sorry about my bad english I havent use it whore while)
Lvl 12
Ja lisää ( and some more )
Lvl 12
Ja lisää ( and some more )
Lvl 19
it´s nice when here are so many finns, Finland rules
Lvl 17
Lvl 12
uuhh... kylläpäs täällä on täyttä.. myöhässä kuten aina, mutta ei se mitn.
translation goes something like this: oh, its full in here! late as always, but who gives a rats ass
Lvl 12
English : And more to come...Finland to be know all over the world, starting from WBW!

Finnish : Ja lisää löytyy...Suomi maailmankartalle vaikka WBW:n kautta!
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 15
I havent use it whore while
I see..
Lvl 12
Tiällä ollaan myössiisä ,o)
I'm here too ,o)
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