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Chaos Awaits You

Starter: Captain_Chaos Posted: 20 years ago Views: 324
Lvl 13
Lvl 19
Is that you on your avater?
Lvl 34
hello chaos
Lvl 13
I could ask the same question
Are you casting doubt on my boyish good looks?
Lvl 19
I'm picturing Captain Chaos, Cannonball Run, Dom Deluise, DA DA DA DUM!
Lvl 13
Asmodean, that's a picture of me in my youth, just after the dental work - I was a mess before that got fixed...
Lvl 22
welcome capt.chaos
Lvl 24
welcome to the forum! if thats you on your avatar you are definately by far the sexiest guy on the site.
Lvl 29
Welcome to WBW!!

Nice to meet you.
Lvl 14
Lvl 19
hello and welcome
Lvl 22
Welcome chaos, have a nice stay
Lvl 17
Welcome aboard, pretty-boy
Lvl 20
Welcome, and have a nice stay
Lvl 27
You´ll fit right in! Welcome!
Lvl 13
Shucks FeFe, you smooth talker (K)

I wouldn't dare tell you that's not me now I know you find that picture soooo sexy!
Lvl 13
Anyhow, Watty is far more handsone than me
Lvl 24