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Calling the mighty WBW brain-powers! Seeking new nickname

Starter: Gigolo Posted: 21 years ago Views: 761
Lvl 21
Hi!! Im new here!

Not quite eh? Anyway..some of u might know me other might not..Those that do, know me as Gigolo..but somehow it feels a bit too formal/classy for most occasions.. so short of changing my name (which is totally uncool now after CKs coming out of the closet stunt), i thought id ask u all nice people help me find som GOOD nickname! please?

anyway GIGI is out the window (sorry CK!)...Gig is, just not striking enuf..Gigo? Gilo? Gogo? Golo? Gio?....Gio maybe?? anyway..HELP!!!?!
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 14
Just don't use Gigli.
Lvl 21
ha *wiping tear off* U GOT IT!
Lvl 16
how about "ik-ben-een-gek"?
for the translation, ask any dutch

Lvl 16
does it have to be a derivitive of "Gigolo"? How about kenshin....that is your avatar you know. What would you like your nick to reflect? How about "G-Man" ?
Lvl 21
how about "chupame coño" CamelHump? Totally uncalled for man! If u need a translation of that ill translate to you in AT LEAST half-a-dozen languages...

Thanks not looking to change the name..just find a short "signature" if u like! anyway..think ill drop it tho.

U bent een geek!!
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 14
ha ck and gigolo are both nuts!! and gigolo don't call my boyfriend coño danki!haha
Lvl 19
Main Entry: gig·o·lo
Pronunciation: 'ji-g&-"lO, 'zhi-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -los
Etymology: French
Date: 1922
1 : a man supported by a woman usually in return for his attentions
2 : a professional dancing partner or male escort
3 : a manwhore

Pronunciation Key

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Lvl 12
Giglin Marlin! (the best disco in my town )
Lvl 15
Lvl 12
GigabyteOllon haha
Lvl 15

come one Gigolo you've got thousands of ideas =)
Lvl 14
I've always liked that David lee Roth song...
Lvl 16
lol, thnx Gigi
Gigi D'Agostino is pretty good dance-producer btw. if you don't know him, I might be able to send you a song of him, if I can find one on my comp

ayways... hmmm GamelGnight would be nice best I could come up with
Lvl 15
how about dagolo-pronounced dayglow?
Lvl 12
or maybe Gigle pronounced Gig - el
Lvl 14
Americanize it with, "The Gigster".