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Ahoy there everyone!

Starter: donkeypunchkid Posted: 20 years ago Views: 327
Lvl 15
Hello. I have been here for only a few months. I looked for a little bit before posting anything to see what the people were like in this place. I have grown to like many of them. I have been posting a little here and there when I get a chance. I have yet to upload some babes. I will try and do so soon. I am fairly busy with school and work. If I ever offend someone, please let me know. I am a smartass, but I never mean to be too rude. I will not usually be rude unless verbally assaulted first. I do enjoy confrontation though. Anyways, thanks for all that I have witnessed and participated in so far.
Lvl 14
Lvl 15
Thank you bnacho. I have been curious as to what your nickname in here means. Is it really a way of calling yourself a dorito in some sort of slang?
Lvl 15
Howdy. Great call name, by the way!!
Lvl 16
Lvl 15
Thanks hoody. I had to change it to appease wit_ and addiction. They didn't like the other one. It was too hard for them to type all of the letters that were just initials. I picked a real life nickname for the name.
Lvl 15
Hi xpress.
Lvl 22
Welcome aboard
Lvl 15
Thank you totalyinsane.
Lvl 24
Lvl 15
Thank you FeFe. I have appreciated your posts. You have a great sense of humor. And you never take any shit from these guys.
Lvl 22

jk...welcome aboard bro (although i have already welcomed you in another thread)
glad you changed yer name to something pronouncable.

enjoy yer stay wetty!

oh yeah, and upload some pics of what you eat/are.
Lvl 15
I will try and upload a quick few of her. Let me ask her first. I would like to keep getting pics of her, so it is best to not piss her off and post without consent. She is actually from the same area as Kanzen. Thank you for the welcome Eric and thank you for the post to the help page you made.
Lvl 22
anytime you need a hand, im here for ya bro!

im a simple PM away!

and i would love to see your redheaded detroit rock lady!
Lvl 15
Me too!!! She is hot!!!